Chapter 19: Breaking the news

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     (Two weeks had passed since the last time they had their kinky night, so Charlie decided to take a pregnancy test to see if she really was pregnant. A couple of minutes from waiting for the test results. Charlie came out of the bathroom holding the test in her hand while wearing her normal suit. Charlie smile happily at Alastor. She ran up to him, hug him then said the news to him. Charlie placed her engagement ring on her side nightstand.)

(Then after a few minutes, they heard a knock on the door. Vaggie opened the door to see Alastor and Charlie looking at her. Charlie smiled at her, Vaggie smiled back.)

Vaggie: Charlie, your parents are here.

(She said as she saw Charlie beginning to temple with fear. Charlie took a deep breath.)

Charlie: okay. I just need a minute, Vag.

(Charlie said as she was trying to hide the test from her. Vaggie walked out of the room and slightly closed the door. Charlie looked over at Alastor with a worried expression on her face.)

Charlie: Alastor, this means we have to tell my parents. We should tell them today, and by we, I mean me. I can tell them by myself, I promise you, I'll be fine.
My dad won't hurt me or our little one.

(She said as she lead him out of the room. But before Alastor left the room, he placed his engagement ring on their nightstand. Then walk towards the downstairs, as he panting heavily. Worried about Charlie, and what might happen to her. Soon Charlie walked downstairs after Alastor, she sighed. 'What are your future grandparents going to think about you, little one. Will they be happy, angry or both. They probably will be both.' Charlie thought as she walked towards her parents and placed her arms around her stomach.)

Husk: Hey Charlie, are you okay? You don't look okay.

    (Husk said as he stopped Charlie before she got to her parents. Charlie turned to only see husk behind with a questioning look on his face. Charlie chuckled softly at him and nodded, then looked away. She continued walking towards her parents with a concerning look. She suddenly turned towards the bathroom, then closed and locked the door when she was in the room. She vomited straight into the toilet.)

Charlie: Okay, little one. You're kind of making it difficult to hide you.

   (Charlie whispered to herself, then after a few minutes. She heard a knock on the door.)

Charlie: hello. Who is it?

   (Charlie asked as she tried to stand up from the floor.)

Angel: it's angel dust. Everyone is wondering if you're okay.

   (Angel Dust said. Then he looked at Lucifer, Lilith, Alastor, Vaggie, Husk and Niffty. Charlie felt even more sickly in her stomach, and vomited in toilet again. She stood up, walked to the sink and clean her mouth from the vomit. Charlie looked at herself in mirror with a concern look on her face. 'Maybe I shouldn't had sex with Alastor. But yet, it felt good, and now I'm pregnant with his child.' Charlie thought as she continued to look in mirror. After a few more minutes, she walked out of the bathroom with Lucifer and Lilith looking worried about her.)

Charlie: Mom, dad, can I talk with you in private?

(Charlie asked as she opened an empty room door. They agreed, then walked in the room. Charlie looked back at Alastor, he gave her a caring smile, she gave the same smile back at him. She went into the room, where her parents were waiting for her to speak. She took a deep breath and spoke.)

Charlie: Mom, Dad, this might sound weird. But you know, how me and Alastor are dating?

    (Charlie asked them, they replied with a nod.)

Charlie: so the weird thing is that he was in heat and I had help him get rid of his heat.

(Charlie said as her parents were confused at first, then they started to realize that Alastor was part deer. Lucifer began to glare fire from his hands, he gently moved Charlie out of the way. He walked out of the room and looked at Alastor with wrath in his eyes, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, and Niffty left the room to let them fight.)


     (He said with anger filling in his voice. Lilith was trying to calm Lucifer down. But Lucifer was about kill Alastor for what he had done.)

Lucifer: Lilith, he fucked Charlie!

Lilith: Lucifer, Charlie said that she help him, not forced her.

(Lilith said as she held on Lucifer's wrist. Lucifer sighed as he continued looking at Alastor, who had a look of terror on his face, but still keeping his smile.)

Alastor: Look on the bright side, you'll have grandchildren and you'll be grandparents as well.

   (Alastor said nervously, Lucifer's anger still was almost to a lava level. Lucifer looked at Alastor, like he was about to kill with his bare hands.)

Charlie: Dad, don't kill him. It's my fault for this. I just wanted to help him, even if that meant. Well, this.

   (Charlie said as she confronted Alastor. Lucifer took a deep breath.)

Lucifer: Well, I guess you're right Alastor. Plus I have been king for centuries now, and may not know what might happen to me or your mother. So, I guess I'll just have to deal with this.

    (Lucifer said, Charlie and Alastor were confused and relieved for that.)

Words: 919

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