Chapter 34: Strange feelings

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(Alastor began to hear a familiar voice to him, and opened his eyes. He woke up to find him on his and Charlie's bed. He looked over to his left to see Charlie holding on his hand. He gave a small loving smile at her. Charlie woke up to see that Alastor was awake.)

Charlie: Good morning, Alastor.

(Charlie said as she placed her hands on his cheeks, then kissed him.)

Alastor: what happened?

Charlie: I'll tell you later dear. But all you need to know right now is that, your wounds are healed. You can still see them, though. But the doctor gave medication for better healing.

(Charlie said, then gave him the medication. Charlie stood up, and walked out of room, leaving Alastor to go back to sleep. Couple hours later, Alastor woke up in his normal clothes, got out of bed, and began to walk downstairs. Suddenly he felt pain in his stomach, he realized that he had felt pain like that before.)

('Am I in heat again?' Alastor thought as he continued walking. He then saw Charlie talking to her father, Husk, Angel, sir penious, Beetlejuice and Black Hat. He heard Charlie's laugh. 'No, I'm probably hungry.' Alastor thought, then walked towards the kitchen to get some coffee for the morning. Soon Sir penious and Beetlejuice walked in the kitchen, Alastor growled at Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice step back a bit.)

      (Alastor walked away from them, glaring at Beetlejuice with anger in his eyes. He sat down on the couch, and sighed. Pain rejoined his stomach, like last time he tried to hide the pain from everyone. A few days later, Alastor still was feeling pain. Vox, Velvet, Valentino, and Rosie were visiting the castle just for a few days. Same with Penious, Alastor was still trying to hide the pain. 'Okay, I am in heat.' He thought as Charlie was sitting next him. It had almost a week since the blue moon ball.)

    (Later that night as Charlie and Alastor were getting dressed for bed. Alastor suddenly pushed Charlie on the bed as she had on was her bra and underwear. Charlie gave smug smile, then kissed him on his lips making Alastor fall towards the bed and over Charlie. Alastor was taking in the kiss. Charlie let go of his lips, they were panting and sweating. She crawled towards headboard of the bed and looked at him with lust, want, and desire. Then spread out her arms towards him.)

Charlie: oh Deer daddy, please I want to help you. I could tell that you're in heat again. You were growling at the males earlier today.

    (Charlie said, then began to take off her underwear and threw it off the bed . Then she laidback towards the pillows.)

Charlie: Now, my king. I give permission to fuck me until when you're done. Please let's make another child.

     (Charlie said as spread her legs out, then Alastor crawled towards her.)

Alastor:  I rather have sex with you than anyone else.

    (Alastor said to Charlie. Then he started to kissing her, and soon they were making out.)

Words: 519

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