Chapter 27: New beginings

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(Alastor met with The other overlords, the next day. Vox, Velvet and Valentino were the first ones there for the meeting.
Alastor greeted them to the meeting. Once all of the overlords were Alastor began the meeting. Alastor suggested a new idea for hell's System. As the day went by, Alastor felt like he was going to calaps on the ground. He went into his office, he had in the castle. Days turned into weeks, then months. Alastor had been busy with running hell since he knows that he's king.)

     (Alastor got up early that morning to get all of his work done. He began to dose off, then his head fell on his office desk. When he woke up, he looked at the time. 'It's 10:30! I'm supposed to be at a meeting at 11 o'clock.' He thought as he ran out the castle.)

(When Alastor got to the meeting, he saw all of the overlords. They went into the meeting room. As the meeting went, Alastor began to suggest ideas for hell. Most of the overlords agreed, the rest didn't. Vox was one of them, he and Alastor always had a weird history with each other. Alastor talked some more.)

Alastor: I practice the law, l practically perfected it. I've seen justice in the world and corrected it. Now for a strong Central democracy. (I couldn't write it all down.)

(Alastor, then left the building where the meeting was placed when it was done. Vox and other overlords couldn't stand Alastor's ideas for hell. The next morning, Alastor saw Vox on the news talking about how Alastor is creating new ideas for hell. Katie Killjoy and Tom trench were their listening to Vox.)

Vox: Those in propose, he's own form of government. His own for a new form of government. Talks for six hours, the convention listless.
Tom: Bright young man
Katie: who the f is this?

(Three hours later, Vox came to the castle to talk to Alastor. Vox noticed that Alastor looked like he hadn't slept for years. Vox spoke first.)

Vox: why do you always say what you believe? Why do you always say what you believe? Every proclamation guaranteed, free ambition for your enemies.

(After they had their little meeting. Alastor went back to his office, Black Hat came in Alastor's office while he was writing down something, then spoke.)

Black Hat: Why do you write like it's going out of style? Writing day and night, like it's going out of style. Everyday you fight like it's going out of style. Do you what do?
(Four hours, Alastor met up Vox to ask for his help.)

Vox: Alastor?

Alastor: Vox my good sir.

Vox: what are you doing here?

Alastor: yes I know sir.

Vox: is this legal matter?

Alastor: yes and it's important to me.

(Alastor said as he sat down on a chair at a table with Vox. Vox began to ask him.)

Vox: what do you need?

Alastor: Vox, you're better talker.

Vox: okay. That's strange to say.

Alastor: I know I talk too much. You're incredible in court. My client needs a strong defense.

Vox: who's your client?

Alastor: Hell's new Systems.

(Vox stood up from his chair in shock. )

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