Prologue: Through the Dark Mirror

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Bastards! Those monsters, they prey on the innocent, the weak, just for the fun of it. Disgusting creatures! Worst part, he was one of them, but he didn't want to be. He just wanted to be normal, he wanted a normal life, but that was impossible, they destroyed any chance he would ever have at a normal life.

"Ahh... My dear beloved. A lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly, you are the most beautiful of all... Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the...?"

He hears a voice and turns, only for a flash of light to blind him. When his sight returns, he finds himself in a dark misty forest, with the only light source being a full moon overhead. He looks around, though he couldn't find anything, so he began walking. He soon comes upon a cobble stone road, which lead to a stone castle in the distance. He suddenly hears a clomping sound and turns toward it.

Just then, a black carriage road up to him, pulled by a strange black horse with a skeleton-like face and glowing green eyes. The carriage was kind of a see-through, but it was too dark inside to make out anything. Suddenly, the door opens, on its own, to reveal an oval shaped mirror, with a dark frame inside, but there was no reflection. Instead, it was an image of green fire, burning in the reflective surface.

"Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror... As long as your heart desires, take the hand that appears in the mirror."

He then sees a hand appear in the mirror, being held out to him. While unsure, he slowly reaches forward, when the hand emerges from the mirror glass and takes his, then pulls him into the mirror. It felt like going through a thick liquid, making everything feel fuzzy, then it all goes black.

"For me. For them. For you. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand."

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