One day I'm gonna hurt you, I promise.

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The sky seemed to reflect the chaos of her mind, a pitch black starless night, not even the moon seemed to shine. The humans inside the mansion continued partying happily, not a care in the world, completely unaware of the creatures that hid in the shadows and the commotion going on outside.

The original hybrid glared down at the man responsible for his fears, tears trailing down his sculpted face, making his once bright blue eyes a dark shade of grey, showing all the rage bottled up for centuries, all the pain and disgrace.

What did he do to deserve this? He asked himself... was he not worthy of happiness? Wasn't he worthy of peace? Was he so filthy that he had to suffer like that? His face remained stoic while his mind was overwhelming, doubts clouding his thoughts with such power that he wondered if he was drowning.

His words echoed in his mind "NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU ANYMORE, BOY!" Niklaus felt like he was drowning, drowning on the cold water of his father's disgusted eyes.

Do you know how it feels to drown? There was nothing solid to hold on, he felt completely and utterly helpless. A sudden pain in his chest started to spread and his throat tightened, he was breaking down.

His body told him, begged him, to breath, but it wouldn't let him, his eyes started to cloud and his ability to hear suddenly seemed to have left him as well, just like everything else in his rotten life and he became totally numb.

He felt like screaming, he felt the solid walls of water pressuring him and tried to fight against it, but it only made it all worse, because the harder you fight, the worse is the pain.

The light started to fade away, leaving a void feeling on his chest, what did he have? Who was he? Was he important to someone? Anyone? Why did everybody leave him? Why could no one love him... why?

He felt a sudden burst of rage, wrath, followed by an intense power rushing in the environment. Anyone could feel it, it was too powerful. The humans started to fall on the ground, their bodies couldn't keep up with the bloodlust that seemed to hover in the air.

Mikael looked wearily behind him, where a deep forest circled him, he could hear the dark howls of wolves, it was way more powerful than anything he had ever seen and just as he turned to look at the direction of the sound, two heads fell in the ground.

The twin wolves had jumped on two vampires that seemed to be allied to the original vampire, their sharp teeth easily cutting the skin and breaking their bones as their heads rolled towards Mikael's feet, receiving an enraged look from him.

Stefan tried to use the distraction in his favor and used his vampire speed to go behind Niklaus' back, the oak stake ready to impale the hybrid in a moment of fragility, making his older brother look at him with a disgusted expression as he quickly pinned him to ground.

Stefan looked at Damon with a surprised look on his face, nor just because he had stopped him from killing the reason of dear Elena's suffering, but by the difference in their power level.

Damon seemed like he wasn't using even a bit of his full strength, easily keeping his idiotic brother on the ground with a very familiar position. He had pulled Stefan by his hair, his free hand around one of his wrists, twisting it behind his back, while he kicked his legs, getting his younger brother on the ground as Damon pressed harder on his back, one foot on his face as he looked down at him.

Somehow, Stefan noticed the familiarity, the dark glare, the incredible strength, the ability on the attack... and for the first time in almost two centuries, did he notice the unfamiliar ring that was proudly showing on Damon's finger.

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