part 3: 三

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Yuna seemed nothing short of elated when Kai had confirmed he would be working with her. Sliding a piece of paper with her contact details and address, she instructed him to meet her at her house after school, 3 pm, sharp, before she gathered her books and made her way out of the classroom.

"Hey, isn't History the next class? It's to the left," Kai told her.

The girl beamed, "I know." Then she turned right and slipped through the crowd.


Kai stood before the Shin's house, feeling strangely anxious. He could see Ryujin at the window of what he presumed was her room, who then turned and yelled over her shoulder.

A huge scuffle unused as Yuna tore open the front door, a vibrant smile blooming across her cheeks.

"You're early," She teased, hair swinging as she led him up the stairs to her room.

It was a massive room, pale blue walls and a huge window displaying the neighbourhood. A large full-sized mirror was planted into the wall, with a few cracks at the corners. Chipped white vintage closet stood on three small feet, with swirling paintings of skies and flowers all over.

And all the available walls were covered with canvas paintings of sunsets, at different places and timings. All of them looked so realistic, it was as if he was standing before dozens of windows leading to different locations.

"You like sunsets?" Kai asked, half inferring half surprised. Nodding at the many canvases that adorned the wall, Yuna replied, "Yeah. I just feel like they're really beautiful endings, you know?" Nudging the book on her table, Yuna said, "Have you heard of the book The Little Prince? I love it, and there's this one line I find really striking. It's when the little Prince says 'you know-one loves the sunsets when one is so sad.'" That made Kai pause for a moment, then he asked softly, "Are you sad?"

Yuna only sent him a quick wink before she changed the topic, "Now, where shall we start?"


Yuna plucked one of her particularly large canvases off the wall, revealing a haphazard mess of post-its and paper stuck to the wall. Swiftly yanking them down, she then stepped back with a sound of satisfaction.

"Now we have somewhere to brainstorm!" She happily noted, before pulling out stacks of post-its from her bedside drawer. Patting the floor beside her and she plopped down, she ripped out a post-it and stuck a pen between her lips.

"We have to choose a topic, right?" Kai started as he took a seat, "Then we have to do research on it, plus artist references and art styles related to the topic, then, in the end, come up with a final piece."

Yuna nodded seriously, "We can choose any topic, which is great. How about we each come up with three topics, then we choose the one we like best?"

So they spend the next hour and a half brainstorming, doodling occasionally and taking snack breaks. And at the same time, they got to really understand each other.


Ryujin peeked into Yuna's room, where the duo had cookies in one hand and pens in the other, scribbling furiously. "They're doing great, Beomgyu," The older girl smiled gently, "They're okay."


Once they had finalized their topic of choice, Yuna then pulled out her laptop. "Now we do research!" She chirped happily, before checking the time on the glaring screen and faltering. "Hm, it's dinner time. Wanna eat dinner with us? It'll just be me and Ryu, my parents are on a business trip."

"Uh, sure," Kai stuttered, digging out his phone to alert his parents, before following Yuna down the stairs. Ryujin was setting the table, flashing a small smile to Kai before she began to chide Yuna as the younger went to the kitchen to help her with the food. Kai caught snatches of the conversation, which included a lot of tired, frustrated nagging from Ryujin and sarcastic retorts by Yuna. Soon, the conversation got a little heated, then Yuna threw something metallic on the floor, and stormed out of the kitchen in a huff. Ryujin could be seen stooping to pick up the serving spoon Yuna dropped, but by the time she raised her head the front door had been slammed open.

"I'll get her," Kai immediately told the disappointed Ryujin, whose shoulders slumped as she nodded okay.

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