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The Memory cafe was now aged and worn, still serving the same tea and the same old furniture lined neatly behind the large glass windows, making it seem like a decorative box filled with items. The same sweet bell that chimes whenever the door is pushed open. The same rich scent of freshly-made coffee. Everything seemed the same.

Chaeryeong was the first to arrive, her eyes searching for her friends, and when none were spotted, she gave a nod to the elderly owner and strode off to their favourite table, commonly marked with coffee mug marks and crumbs of their favoured bread and cakes. The owners and servers always told other customers that the table was reserved for them, years ago.

But they haven't been here in a long time.

Beomgyu and Taehyun arrive next, laughing at a joke and stumbling without watching their steps. They wave at Chaeryeong, roughly shoving the door open.

In came Yeji and Yeonjun, hands clasped and bright matching smiles. They were one of the two couples that actually stayed together.

Ryujin burst through the doors dramatically, eliciting laughter from her friends, sunglasses balanced precariously on her head and a radiant grin blinding any bystanders. Kai follows her, eyeing the many paparazzi that trailed very inconspicuously behind the oblivious starlet.

Yuna arrived late, gushing with apologies and taking a seat opposite Kai (the only available seat), managing a soft "hey" to Kai.

Three of the couples had broken up as time passed, Kai and Yuna because they didn't seem to have anything for each other anymore, Chaeryeong and Taehyun wanting to just remain as friends, and Ryujin and Beomgyu since Ryujin had a career of fame and wealth while Beomgyu just wanted a simple life.

And they haven't seen each other in ages.

They're all grown up now, mature and no longer looking as childish as they once did.

But they talk like the old friends they are.

They stumbled onto the topic of the cafe. "You know what's fun?" Yeonjun says, "I once told the owner a memory from when I was twelve for a cookie, and then when I started coming here more often, suddenly I became friends with Taehyun, then I met Yeji and Jisu and all of you. It's...as if this place has magic or something."

"Yeah, like that happens," Kai jokes.

"Wait, but he might be onto something," Taehyun says as he leans forward, "I worked here since I needed money, I told them a story and then bam! I poison Chaeryeong and everything just falls into place."

"You're right," Ryujin laughs, nudging Yeji, "We came here together once, and you got a bottle of water from the owners, then you heard some music and found Yeonjun."

"Oh, yeah," Yeji nods enthusiastically, "This place...this place holds many memories."

"It's amazing," Jisu hums, "We all have some sort of connection to this place, in a way."

They chat about plans for the future, Ryujin already having a new album on the way, Yuna managing to auction off the last of her latest collection of paintings, Soobin going through his PhD in medicine for the time being.

Time flies by, as it does when you're having a good time, and soon night falls and the owners begrudgingly ask them to leave. They bid their goodbyes and go their separate ways, but they will meet again.

They reminisce those days, and the Memory cafe has done its work.

But now, of course, you could definitely find it, if you try hard enough.


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