Tournament Arch Day 2

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Student Body Council Office Meeting.

"Alright these are the reports from the Rider Tournament standings." A man said standing in a military like uniform, and the man had white hair, and blue eyes. This man was Shinya Hiiragi, the adopted son of the prestigious Hiiragi family. The teams who moved from the first brackets, are Team Shinoa, led by Shinoa Hiiragi, Team White, lead by Mika Hyakuya, Team Genesis led by Mitsuzane Shiba... And he went on listing the rest of the teams that made it through. "Thank you for the report, Shinya." A voice said which came from what appeared to be a little girl with long pink hair. But this was no ordinary girl. This was Krul Trepes the principle of the Rider Academy. A powerful woman who even to the Student Council members is mysterious. "These teams this year are very exciting." She said. "Yes very." A man said with jet black hair, and a hard face. This was Kureto Hiiragi. The oldest son of the Hiiragi family. "Team Genesis is an oddball for sure." "They have unique drivers that no one else at this school has." "The Genesis Drivers correct?" Said Ferid Bathory. "Yes Mr. President they are." "The student that leads them is a certain, Mitsuzane Shiba." "Kamen Rider Zangetsu-shin." "I have a feeling that he is holding back in his fights."  Crowley said, "You thinks so Crowley?" Kureto asked. "Yes quite." "The entire team of Team Genesis in of itself seem to be holding back." "It's like they are preparing for something, scheming would be the right term." Crowley finished. "And what do you think they are scheming?" Kureto asked. "Why thats obvious." Crowley said. "To rule the world." "To rule the world huh?" Guren Ichinose said. "But that would be against what every rider stands for, which is to protect the innocent and humanity not to rule it." "Well it looks like they have different plans." Krul said. "They are are dangerous team even if they are  underclass men." "They have the charisma and leadership of Mitsuzane, the brains of Mr. Ryoma, and the muscle of Sid and Yoko Minato." "And combine that with their potent drivers." "It would seem to believe they are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with." "Now with that said I believe that this meeting is declared over." "You are dismissed." A chorus of Yes mam's went out.

Irregular at Kamen Rider Academy. (Mitsuzane x Honoka) Up for adoption.Where stories live. Discover now