10. Ruin it all

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Chapter 10:

Madness wants to have tea with me
Insanity wants to kiss me
I am being courted by everything
That will only bring ruin
ruin, ruin

Ah... ruin it all.

The sky was lit by the full moon and millions of stars. A wind blew through the grass, creating the background music of rustles breezing through the air. In the distance, a few trees danced, their branches sheltering the robins and nightingales that were singing.

Rezel let me towards the clearing of trees; it was a meadow and the bright moonlit sky with all its stars let me take in the sight of the hills in the distance around us. The wind grazed by, making the grass sway, sometimes like dominoes as it passed us. When I turned towards Rezel, he was watching my hair flow in the wind and I gave him a small smile. He parted his lips then to speak.

"Do you like long hair, storyteller?"

I tilted my head at this sudden question. Long hair? Let's see. I have long hair and so do most women that I've met but they usually keep it tied and styled. Cassian is also someone with long hair. And honestly, it's way too pretty. I keep wanting to touch it when I'm with him, but I hide the urge away in my drawer of fangirling thoughts.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I do." Rezel didn't reply and sat down, so I followed, sitting on the grass near him.

"How's Ilaria been?" We looked at the scenery ahead of us. It was still unreal, that I was suddenly getting to see things like this. There were huge hills in the distance, towering over the valleys, like mighty beings. I wonder how much life is living in them?

"Ilaria's been good. I... I feel good these days." I glanced at him for a second. He was watching the mountains with me. "It's not that I feel perfect all of a sudden. It's more like... waves? There are good days and there are bad days, like always, but somehow... the good days feel better than I remembered." I shrugged. "I still feel empty. Always have. But... maybe it's not all that bad?" Then I grinned. "That's for now. Who knows when I'll get dragged down again. It'll hurt like a bitch. Will I even survive?" I glanced at him again and now he was looking at me. He held out a finger, pointing towards something in the distance behind me and curiously I turned back. My eyes adjusted in the dim natural light, seeing what looked like some plant a few steps away from us. The moonlight seemed to form a glowing outline on its leaves, and I could see a tiny little bud growing.

"It's the moonflower I told you about," Rezel murmured and I continued to watch it.

"The one that only blooms once a year?" I asked and he hummed from behind me.

"Let's come here often, storyteller."

I don't know why. That made me smile. I liked something about us. How he didn't react to my words with anything negative or something positive that I wouldn't be able to relate to anyway. But at the same time, he let me know in his own way... that he wanted me around. That he brought me here for this. Sometimes, it's nice to just be honest and let it out. It wouldn't be the same for everyone but... I liked this.

"What if it blooms but we're not here?" I turned around to question him and he let out a little laugh, lolling his head down to look at the grass he was playing with.

"Then it sucks for us."

I snickered too and watched him with a smile.

"Yeah... but I'll be happy to come here with you anyway."

He glanced at me while still facing down. Then he smiled softly.

"I'll be happy to look forward to it with you. I'll tell the tree sprites to call me when it blooms."

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