14. The Dagger.

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Chapter 14: The dagger that shall end me. It's you.

"Lady Eleonora Sollea of Ilaria, daughter of Marques Viridis Sollea, entering."

I walked into the meeting room

'I'm nervous, Cassian...'

He seemed a little surprised at my words. 'You never seemed like the type before...' He comfortingly brushed his hand across mine as we walked. 'When you enter the room, look for me. I'll be right there.'

My eyes fell onto dark green ones standing in the corner of the room. The boy with hair of ebony dressed in servants' clothing curved his pink lips softly at me and my heart calmed. Disguised, he really was here.

It was comforting.

'These rings of sapphire... wear this and I will hear you when you wish me to, and only I will, Nora.'

I nodded and two crystal knives were given to us. One by one, we each sliced through the skin of our fingers and bled onto the rings. I watched as the purple sapphires absorbed our blood, crystalizing it within, creating a red abnormality in its clear purple stone. As if our blood had always been a part of it. Cassian put his ring on my finger and I put mine on his. Looking at it, he smirked, a soft laugh.

'Interesting choice of rock, we've made. It looks like one of the most cursed gems in the world.'

'Which one?' I asked and he looked up at me.

'Khooni Neelam. Murderous sapphire or bloody blue. They say those who wear them endure misfortune and eventual death.'

I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't say it out loud but I thought it.

'How fitting for me.'

The meeting began promptly. Members of our planning committee were brought into the room to present our ideas to everyone as the nobles snacked and drank their wine. It was kind of surreal to see how easy-going they were with how hard we'd worked and how troubled we'd been. Sometimes, they even cracked jokes about our solutions. It was... unpleasant but at least they were listening. Eventually it was time for their turn.

"So you brought us here just to tell us you're raising our taxes, Lady Eleonora?" The man who had most jokes to make spoke first.

"He is Lord Ferox," Cassian's voice echoed in my mind as soon as the man spoke. "He recently married Lady Sigrun and gained a huge dowry of a ruby mine. He boasts about his riches and charity because of Lady Sigrun's family who are charitable folk. Also religious. Mention it."

"Lord Ferox, first of all I must thank you for coming," I smiled at him and noticed his eyes widen slightly. "I congratulate you on your wedding to Lady Sigrun; I've heard of your generous charities and was sure you'd be interested in our project." I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head as if speaking something so obvious and he returned a smug smile. "We surely couldn't leave you out today."

"You humble me, my lady." He waved his hand, his grin growing bigger at my words. "We do like to give a lot, perhaps even more than we should be. We like to be generous people."

I heard Cassian snort at this and bit my lip.

I continued, speaking in a manner I had practiced endlessly with Avea for the past few days. Loads of sugar, loads of butter. "Your wealth is truly a story of awe. Once everyone hears of how much you invest in the taxes for Ilaria, they'd be left slack-jawed at your power and grace." Then I smiled a toothy grin for the final effect. "After all, only a favourite of the gods would be given such power."

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