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(Getting into the depths of Damian's other relationship! To make things short, they're going to break up, which you're going to see in this chapter. As heartbreaking as it is (to me), this does mean that you guys will be getting your promised Daminette moments... yay. Jessica the author. How original.)

Marinette was rudely awakened to some ruckus in the hallway. Propping herself up on her elbows, she brushed away at the tangled tresses of hair that fell over her bluebell eyes. Groaning slightly, she eventually slid out of bed, tugging down the loose tank top that had ridden up while she slept. 

"If someone's out there... aggressively confessing their love in Arabic... I might have to interrupt... a really important arc in someone's fanfiction," Marinette tiredly murmured as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. 

Marinette quietly cracked open her door, sneaking out. 

Muffled voices, two emotional ones, at that, could be heard around the corner. 

Carefully shuffling into secrecy, she peeked over the corner, not too surprised to see Damian with his supposed lover. This lover of his was a tall male - about a head taller than Damian. The mask he wore over his mouth and nose was down on his neck, revealing gingery stubble on his chin. Damian and him seemed to be arguing over something, based on how their tone's would raise every second. 

'What's going on?' 

The two were screaming at one another in English this time, making it a tad bit easier for Marinette to understand them. 

"-look. You're getting married to her! You need to care for her, nurture her, do whatever!"

"I literally just met her! We both don't want this. She can take care of herself!"

"That's not how a relationship works, Damian."

"OF course, I know how a relationship works. I'm in one."

"Not anymore!" 

Marinette tensed. A part of her felt kind of bad. Another part felt scoffed, now that karma finally got to Damian. That was for the kidnapping and the insults. She continued to watch as Damian's stiff, confident posture slouched. 

"What are you saying...?" 

"I mean we're done. You're going to get married to her. Yet you don't know how to treat her. And to be honest, you just did yourself dirty by exposing yourself. Is that how you felt about me? I can take care of myself? I don't possibly need any kind of human interaction?"

"Well, you're a grown man, I expect you know how to take care of-"

"That's not what I mean! What I mean, is that, don't you think that you shouldn't at least TRY care for her? For me?!" 

"I think you're seeing this from a different perspective-"

"I'm seeing things from the same perspective as you. You," the hooded ginger sneered.

Marinette pursed his lips. This was getting serious. 

"-are a heartless bastard. I'm done. Hope you enjoyed playing with my feelings." 

Marinette's heart began to beat faster. Out of the corner of her eye, Damian's now ex-lover stormed off, pulling up his mask. Damian slightly swayed to the side. He looked as if he was about to lean against the wall for support, fingers just barely brushing against it. He pulled his back immediately, as if the wall was suddenly as hot as lava.

"How much did you hear?"

Marinette froze. 

Damian knelt on the ground, head turned in her direction. A piercing glare. Marinette had the urge to run back to the safety of her room and deny anything and everything when confronted. She gulped, feeling a shiver travel up her spine. 

The Things You Do For Love {Discontinued 4 Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now