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I just have to point out that in this fanfic, I'll use canon information where the Zoldyck family doesn't recognize Alluka as a girl because they refuse to get closer and understand the real situation in fear of triggering a domino effect.

Sorry for the late update and the photo above has got nothing to do with the chapter. XD

Thank you for reading and support!

April 2nd
7:31 am

Silva Pov

"Because she looked like your son!" Kikyo she began to cry hysterically and I had to calm her down into a hug before she decides to destroy our home.

"Don't tell me..." I am very suspicious but I needed confirmation or else I could feed her a totally dangerous idea.

"Yes! I did it for the exact reason you have in mind!" Her voice croaked and pointed at the double steel door that houses the real threat to our family's lives. "You swore your life to keep us safe after we've discovered Alluka's other identity... you promised you'll do something about it but an illegitimate child was born instead!"

"I know and I'm sorry. But using her is not an option." I caressed her back, just above the Obi (belt) of her Kimono(Traditional Japanese Gown).

"She's our only option!" Kikyo pushed me away and held my jaws to look directly at her face full of bandages, due to my son Killua's attacks before he fled. "Illumi had a theory that Alluka will listen to everything he'll say but your son won't cooperate. I begged him to help us out that day and what did he do...? He almost kįlled me and left immediately! I'm very proud of the level up but we need to understand that abomination's powers or else it will be the cause of our untimely deaths!"

"I understand your point but the girl is too young and untrained to manipulate that... thing." I'm starting to see the whole picture but the overall scenario isn't practical. "Gambling on a child way younger and has been raised opposite our ways can lead into an epic failure we have no chance to repair."

"That's why I wanted Illumi to train her. He can just put a needle on him—"

"How did you find out about her?" I was curious because I've tried to and (Y/N) completely disappeared like smoke.

"I have my resources." She simply said however, that could mean she had someone else stalk (Y/N) for years to inform her if I've started seeing her again.

"Anyways, forget about that plan. It will not work because Alluka will eventually recognize his brother and we cannot allow an outburst to occur."

"But Silva—"

"Enough. This discussion is over." I had to be firm so that she'll be forced to comply.


Same day
5:45 pm

Silva Pov

If I only had no important mission today, I could've prevented it to happen.

I came back as soon as the job was done and as usual, one million jenny is confidentially wired by a government official to my account a minute later. The target was an able Nen user, who can adapt to his surroundings like a chameleon. That's how he rapęs women alike inside their homes, even children as young as five years old.

It was a bit difficult, because he'll disappear whenever I get near him. The bastard didn't even know I was on his tail, kept harassing random women on the streets and get away with it before I notice where he was.

It made me think of how I have treated (Y/N) in the past. I haven't stopped for a second to think if my dominant actions actually had her consent on all times, because in the end, it can be considered as mere sęxual harassments. I was strong and she had no one to rely on.

Damn it... All the things I've made her endure. She definitely deserves better. It's the reality I have to accept.

I heaved a very deep sigh and watched our private airship dock a kilometer apart of the Kukuroo Mountain. Half of the cement path got crushed from the blast and some of the butlers are still in the middle of fixing it.

My train of thoughts were derailed by a series of vibrations coming from my back pocket. "What's wrong?" I instantly asked. This is the first time Tsubone has called me and it only means one thing. Trouble.

"Master Silva. You need to come home as soon as possible."

"What? Why?"

"Your father brought the girl inside Master Alluka's chamber."

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