The fight Pt.3

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I shape shift into a hawk and fly until I find where they are,I shape into myself,falling at a high speed,speeding through the air to soon hit the ground. I'm 2 feet from the ground and right before I fall on the hard gravel,I turn into a hawk again and sweep over the ground. I fly over the thick brush and turn into myself as I hit the top of the tank.
"Came back?!" The joker laughs.
"I'll get him Mr.J." Harley says,walking over to me.
I punch her in the face and drop kick her,she falls I turn into a furious tiger and get on top of her,growling. The Joker just stands there and laughs hysterically. He's fu##### nuts! Harley looks into my beastly eyes.
"Let me go!" She shouts hitting me in the back I growl and show my teeth. Starfire comes up to the tank.
"The Batman says that you should not kill anyone,for we just need to put them in the prison." Joker pulls her foot from the air and drags her onto the tank. He puts a gun to her head and laughs.
"Hey cutie!" He laughs.
"Get off of me!" She yells,she can't get away. Can't even use starbolts. He holds her hands behind her back.
"Hey Dick!" He shouts over to Robin.
Robin looks over. Joker licks one whole side of Starfire's face.
"STARFIRE!" He yells,he can't run across the street all the way to get her,he'll be shot. He knows this.
Starfire try's so hard to break free from The Joker's grasp,but she can't. So what do I do? Keep myself on Harley? Or tend to Star? I jump off,leaping high in the air,tackling the Joker. Knocking his gun out of his hand. Starfire gets away and tries to help me,but we're rolling around everywhere,and she might accidentally hit ME with her Starbolts. She flies off for help.
"Puddin!" Harley shouts. She gets up and grabs her gun.
"I'll give you till the count of 5 to get off my Mr.J!"She says.
But I can't get off,I must stay on long enough for Batman to come over here. If anyone were to die for the sake of crime fighting out of the Titans,I'd always thought it'd be Robin,he's so brave. Nope,looks like it's gonna be me.
"1..." she starts counting,"2" Joker is smiling deviously "3..." I feel a horrible shiver through my body,it's a shiver of fear,this is it,"" I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Oof!" She falls down hard,something's knocked her unconscious.
"Ugh." They knock out Joker too.
I open my eyes,there in the incredibly,bright sunlight of dusk is a dark figure,the sun out lining the the shadow. I look around,Catwoman and Ivy are in cop cars. The rest of the Titans are rushing over to me. I look up at the figure standing over me. My eyes finally focus to see who it is.


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