Chapter 1

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It was all a lie

My mother said you'll enjoy university,  you'll make a lot of friends too and my dad, well all he just said was good luck and shit.....what any normal dad would say that you haven't  seen or communicated with face to face in almost three years.

But reality of it all, I'm not enjoying university and who needs friends anyways? Not me.

These thoughts run through my mind as I stand infront of the door, contemplating on whether I should run away and become a stripper or open it.

It's not too late though if I think about. Sure I can't dance but I think I'll look good with wrapped around a pole

I end up opening it though, now its too late.

I didn't know the decisions I make in college would be this bad, like come on who chooses to open the door instead. This girl right here.

I put my bags down quickly without checking the room whatsoever and turn back to the secretary who accompanied me.

“Are you sure there's really nothing you  can do? ” I ask horrified.

“I’m sorry, we've tried but we couldn't change anything,”

Sure you did

“How about my last roommate Isabella,I think her name is, isn't there a way for me to  room with her again?” I ask having a tinge of hope.

“She's the one who requested a roommate change,” That bitch, I'm an amazing roommate, I think

Okay it's fine, don't lash out— nahh I'm not that calm right now

“He’s a fucking asshole okay? Can't you just give my own fucking room I don't quite care where it is, okay no I actually do but still. Why would you let me, innocent Vanessa dorm with a diiiii—,” I drag out until I just cut myself off after I see her looking behind me.

Oh shit.

She starts walking walking and I  immediately try stopping her.

“Nooo come back, I need a human shield!!” I yell after her but she only looks back at me like I'm crazy then increases her pace away from me.

Splendid job Van, this is a perfect first impression. I turn around and look at Damon, angry looking Damon.

“Sup Damon,” I say enthusiastically,“I was definitely not talking about you by the way, I was acting and ironically it's the same situation that's happening right now, I want to be actor so every opportunity I get I act. Anyone would be lucky to dorm with you, I am very happy right now, ecstatic even,” I'm rambling, fucking stop rambling mate

Not even a six year old would believe that shit. I don't even want to be actor, its shitty job if you can't get into the big leagues

I just wanted to stay invisible is that too much to ask, it's a very cool superpower I possess especially whenever I enter any and every room....

“Do you really think I believe that shit?” he says, we thought the same thing.

“No I do not but it was worth a try right?” I say giving him two thumps up and an overly exaggerated smile

“I can't believe I got paired up with a bitch,” he mutters walking out of our room slamming the door.

Normally I would ask what the fuck is his problem but given the fact that I'm his problem I'll just shut up.

Like I get that I took pennies out of the fountain once when I was what—six but punishing me like this, it's just too brutal.

Atleast his hot, now that's a plus.

Roommates with the dickheadWhere stories live. Discover now