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The back door of the warehouse burst open, catching the attention of those within. A large, muscular man pushed his way inside, followed by several average-sized men. They all carried guns. Hun grunted as he put his away and began to make his way further inside. It had been a successful night, albeit a difficult one. No Turtles. He was ready to finish the day and get some well-earned rest.

But of course, things never went his way when he was tired.

“Don’t mean to interrupt, Hun,” came a voice from his right side. He glanced down and saw a short woman with brown skin and a headset looking up at him with a professional demeanor. “That guy has been trying to bypass our system again.”

“Are you kidding me, Jackal? Again?” Hun muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. “He’s been on to us for a week already. Tell him to take a hike.”

“I have, sir. He is rather persistent.” There was a pause, then, “Perhaps you should handle it personally.”

The huge hulk of a man growled under his breath. “I don’t have time to deal with idiots like—” A beeping noise on Jackal’s headset stopped him. He eyed it suspiciously. “Is that him?”

She nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Hun rolled his eyes and stepped around her to the nearest computer he could find. He held out his hand, she placed the headset in it, and the screen blinked to a video feed. “Look, I already told you, we’re not interested in whatever stunt you’re trying to pull.”

The man on the video feed was shrouded in darkness, reminding Hun of his former master, the Shredder. He could not see any defining features, just gloved hands folded neatly and placed on the owner’s lap. The mysterious caller sounded surprised. “You are not interested in ruling this city?”

“Promises, promises. I’ve heard it all before. I won’t fall for it again.”

“There is an item that could grant you limitless power hiding right under your nose and you are not the slightest bit curious about it?”

Hun glanced at Jackal, who shrugged. “Limitless power?”

The man laughed – a deep, throaty laugh. It irritated Hun somewhat, but the next words buried his angry thoughts. “That’s right. You could say it would make things a bit chaotic for your enemies.”

The leader of the Purple Dragons immediately saw the Turtles in his mind and became intrigued. He’d been trying to get rid of them for years. Still, he didn’t want to fall into the same old trap again. Again he turned to Jackal, who only stared back at him in silence.

Hun considered this new option for a few more moments. Then he said, “I’m listening.”

Dude, This is No Vacation (A Sonic-TMNT Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang