Our Day to Day (Fluff)

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Ayaka's POV:

    We have fallen into our routine of sorts ever since he came home. The day usually starts with him getting up at the ass crack of dawn. No matter what I do he never stays in bed after five o'clock.

    I'm a heavy sleeper so I don't feel him getting out of bed, and you know he still keeps those old habits from his old life. I  usually get up when I smell food.

   He took up an interest in cooking, so he is always making breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I take a shower and dress comfy with some loose shorts and a long-sleeved shirt. Raizo walks around with no shirt and sweatpants at all times.

He said that he was the most comfortable that way. I don't mind it, just means more eye candy for me. At first, he wasn't like that. He was self-conscious of his scars but we discussed it.

"Hi, baby" I walked into our kitchen. It was a modern kitchen. I take interior design very seriously when it comes to my house.

"Hi, Hana.  How did you sleep"? He kissed my forehead.

I wrap my arms around his torso and rock him back and forth. "Good, it would be better if you stayed in bed with me longer".

"Hana, I don't sleep in and I just can't".

*mmcht* "Whatever". I kiss my teeth at him. One day I will find out a way to keep him in bed with me longer.

"Stop it. Drop the attitude or I will put the food away". I fix my face because he has done that before. Come to find out Raizo has a petty streak, but that's a story for another day.

"The fact I have to threaten you with food is beyond me". He shakes his head at me. He fixes our plates and we go to sit at our wooden table. We do have an area for Japanese seating but we only use that for guests.

We have been together for four months now. There is still a lot that I don't know. Raizo isn't the type of man you want to push and push and push. When he is ready he will tell me.

We also haven't had any sexual experiences yet. I don't want to make him uncomfortable but it is a conversation we need to have.

Raizo is very affectionate. He doesn't like to be away from me for a long period. I'm guessing it's because we were apart for two years. I love it so it doesn't bother me.

He made an American breakfast today. Eggs, bacon, chocolate chip waffles because those are my favorites. Raizo grabs me and pulls me into his lap.

"So, what did you do today Raizo"?

"The usual. I took care of the garden and pond. Did my daily training and meditation. Cleaned the house. Just found stuff to do".

"Are you getting bored"?

"A little bit. I wanted to ask you about something"? He said rubbing my thighs mindlessly.

"Go ahead".

"Would you mind getting a dog"? I started bouncing up and down. I've always wanted a dog but never had time for one because of my job.

"Do you have one in mind baby"? He nodded his head.

"An Alaskan Malamute" I got got and ran to get my phone. "Like this one"? I showed him my phone.

"Yes, like that one". He smiled at me.

I started jumping up and down "Can we get it as a baby"?!

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I started jumping up and down "Can we get it as a baby"?!

"Yes, we can". He pulled me back into his lap. I kissed him on the cheek.

"You always have the best ideas".

He nodded "I know". I ate my breakfast doing my happy dance because I was getting a fur baby. With the love of my life. Man life couldn't be better.

Our day-to-day changed with our puppy. Raizo had something to do now. He wanted to train our puppy to be better than all the other puppies. Tōtoi (precious/noble) was the best dog we could ask for.

Raizo had fun with him running around our land. Swimming in the inside pool we had. Learning tricks and commands. Before we would just get bored and watch YouTube.

I Walk into Raizo's dojo and I see Tōtoi on his back. Raizo was doing push-ups.

"What is going on here, why is my son on your back"? He continued to do more push-ups.

"Because he wants to train with me".

"Did he tell you that"?

"Yes, he did and you are interrupting us". I know he did not just. My baby is so fluffy and happy at all times. Even now his tail is constantly wagging.

*bark, bark* "See Hana he is spending time with his father".

"I hope he pees on your back Raizo". He continued and laughed at me. I think he does up to a hundred push-ups. I leave him alone most of the time until I get lonely. Then I'll come and bother him.

Since I got kicked out by my boyfriend and son. I guess I'll start sketching some new work. I mostly draw flowers. They were never a part of my identity until Raizo came along. He saw a natural beauty in them so, now I always draw them.

I was in my art room for a while. By the time I was done nighttime was already here. That's usually what I do to pass time productively.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Come in Raizo". He had made dinner and brought me a plate. I think he trying to get me fat because he constantly feeds me. But I'm not mad at it.

"You started drawing lilies today"?

"Yea they are really elegant, don't you think"? He nodded his head.

"Let me know when you're done with it. I want to hang it up in my dojo". I made a shocked face.

"You like it that much" he nodded his head yes.

"Well by the end of the week, it should be done". I guess he likes lilies or something. I didn't think it was that special but he always sees things that I don't.

We eat our dinner in my art room. I didn't feel like getting up and going into the dining room. We both took our showers and sat on the couch. We talked about nothing. Just me rambling and him listening while he played with my fingers.

I sat on his lap with my head resting on his shoulder and I slowly dozed off. I'm not a talker around people but with him I become Google. When I talk myself to sleep he just picks me up and takes me to the bedroom. And he falls asleep holding me with Tōtoi at the foot of our bed.

That's our day-to-day. It might change though. Who knows?


•mad cute huh? I love them so much they are amazing

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•mad cute huh? I love them so much they are amazing. The next chapter is a smut so be warned. Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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