Don't Tease Me (Smut)

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   Today Ayaka was in a playful mood. Every girlfriend gets into the mood of wanting to push her boyfriend's buttons. Raizo doesn't have any he is just always calm. Ever since he ate her out on the dojo floor he has been more explorative with her. But nothing more.

Ayaka lowkey likes his dominant side. It's like he becomes someone else and all he can do is focus on her. She also wanted to see if she could please him. One day she tried but he says he never wants to see her on her knees for him.

Raizo believes that women naturally have more power than men. They create life and he isn't into people submitting to him. Especially Ayaka. Was he turned on that she wanted to please him yes, but it already satisfied him knowing that she got off.

Has Raizo ever reached his high? No, he hasn't. Ayaka was now on her plan to figure out a way to somehow fully please him. He was in the kitchen cleaning. She knew that he couldn't resist her body. So she put on her good booty shorts and started walking around him. Making it seem like she was looking for something.

He immediately took in her attire when she walked into the living room. Her shorts were very tight and he started to get hot just looking at her. His stare became even harder when she bent over looking for something on the couch.

   Raizo started to clean viciously he didn't want to get started up today. He didn't want her to think that he only wanted her body. But he loved it and cherished it a lot. Ayaka got upset he didn't fall for it. 'Damn his self-control is strong' she thought to herself.

She picked up one of their fake plants and "accidentally" dropped it on the ground. When she dropped down to pick it up he stopped cleaning and looked at her. She was in one of those good squats that accentuated everything.

"My bad I didn't mean to startle you," she said coyly to him. His mind started to race about all of the things that he wanted to do to her. But he reeled himself back in and went to open the refrigerator. Ayaka thought to herself that she needed to do something quick.

She walked up to where he was and tried to grab a glass from the cabinet. She got in between him and the countertop and reached to grab the glass on the highest shelf.

"Don't worry I got it" she said looking over her shoulder. Ayaka was pressed up right against him grinding her ass on him. At this moment he knew that she was trying to get him started and it was working.

Ayaka knew very well that she was too short to reach the top shelf. So, Raizo grabs it and puts it down right beside her. He grabs her hips and pushes her harder against him.

"Hana don't tease me. Just say what you want". He whispered in her ear with his erection growing stronger.

She looks back and shrugs "I don't want anything. I was trying to grab you a glass of water". She tries to walk away and he pulls her right back to him.

Now looking face to face. "Once again, do not tease me what do you want"?

Ayaka rolls her eyes "Didn't I just tell you" she says with attitude and tries to walk away pushing his shoulder. Raizo felt like she was getting too comfortable with teasing him. He knows that she wants something and he is getting annoyed that she won't say what.

Out of instinct his hand reaches out and grabs her throat. He was shocked that he did that but when he looked down she had a mischievous smile on her face.

Ayaka licks her lips and looks at him with lust 'I want you to get rough with me Raizo and don't hold back". Her hands then started to roam underneath his shirt feeling all over his abs and chest. Raizo started to breathe heavily. He wanted to carry out her wishes but he didn't want to hurt her. But there was a little part of him that was oh so curious.

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