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So according to the title this is obviously not a chapter. And no I am not going to discontinue this book if that's what your worried about... 😅

But I am having a little writer's block with this book right now, so I will be going on a brief hiatus until I figure out what to do. As you all know, the webtoon is coming back soon (hopefully) and there will be more chapters, which would mean more stuff to cover. And you guys also know that if I'm going to write this story along with the webtoon (which is what I plan to do), than this is going to be a very long story, and I won't even blame you guys if you drop this fanfic since it's going to be so long,

So, I just need time to figure out some things, as well as writing more chapters in advance and getting caught up with my school work (istg procrastination is a bitch). I will still be online and updating my other story though, so you just need to talk than your welcome to 😊.

Ngl I feel guilty rn, I'm making it sound like I'm going to die lmao i need sleep—

Tankyu for understanding if you did and I'll see y'all later when the next chapter comes out! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و

~~~ Author-chan tlowu

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