The end

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Ugh... I don't know how I feel about this ending. I'm so sorry. I just feel like it was a little fast, but I had no other ideas to make it better, so, yeah, it's the best I got.

I hope you all enjoyed the story, and I hoped you were able to hang on until the end. I know how hard it is to read a book and not give up in the middle of it. If you made it, you are a truly amazing, beautiful, awesome person!

If you have any tips, questions, anything you feel like asking more or saying to me, just let me know in comments or you can just message me. I don't bite! I will respond and help you out in any way I can.

I know I left this book off a little kinda like a cliffhanger, so I feel like there are a bunch of stuff that I left out, so if you have questions about it, ask away! :)

Also, if you wouldn't mind, it would mean a great deal if you checked out my other books, and maybe commented or voted. It would mean the world to me, but I don't wanna pressure you into it.

Also, many people have asked if I will make a sequel. I have been thinking about this, but at the moment, I have no for sure plans of this. If I come up with ideas, and actually choose to make a sequel, I will for sure let you know!

Thanks so much for being there through the whole story, and I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did.


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