Love Me Right

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Baekhyun's POV

I didn't know why I did that to Aera. It was like my body had a mind of its own. I yearned to hug her and I did just that. Stop it Baekhyun, you're gonna scare her. I looked at the beautiful girl in front of me as she wiped her plate clean. She really likes eating what I cook and I smiled at her behaviour. She then made eye contact with me, making me look back to my food and finish eating it.

"I'm stuffed! The food was really good Baekhyun. Thank you," Aera complimented with a bright smile. I smiled back as I chewed. "By the way, you said we'll be going out today. So where will you be taking me?"

"It's a surprise. Don't worry, you'll love it." I replied and she just grinned like a madwoman. I knew that she loves surprises so she didn't question me any further. Instead, she stood up and grabbed both of our plates and brought them to the sink to wash them. I was about to tell her that I would do it but she looked back right before I could say anything. "You cooked so I should wash the dishes. Don't even try to say that you will do it because you really have done enough. Just relax okay?" She giggled and went ahead to wash everything. I chuckled and didn't stop her. She really knew just what I was gonna say. I cleaned the table as she finished the chore at the sink and she went up to change and grab her bag. We then left her house and I drove her to our destination.

"Baekhyun... why are we at a swimming pool?" Aera asked as she followed me into a large indoor swimming pool. She looked around and then faced me, raising an eyebrow.

"Remember you said that you wanted to learn how to swim? Today will be the day when you finally can."

"Oh! Is this a swimming class? But there's nobody around. Who's the teacher?"

I chuckled. "Nope, this isn't technically a swimming class with other students. Of course, there isn't anybody here. I booked this entire place for us for today. As for your last question, I'll be your teacher." Aera's eyes widened.

"What do you mean? You booked this large place for you to teach me how to swim? Baekhyun, you really didn't have to spend so much for me. You could've just taught me at a beach or something," Aera replied as she started fidgeting her arms around. She seems uncomfortable. Is it because she never had anyone do this kind of thing before for her?

"Hey don't fret about it. I just wanted to spend some alone time with you. Plus, it would be easier for you if we use a pool instead of the sea. I mean, do you want your eyes to burn of salt?" She thought about what I said for a while and her cheeks started to redden. "Are you alright? Do you have a fever?"

"No no, I'm fine. It's just a little hot in here." Her cheeks then went back to normal as she fanned herself. Wait, was she blushing? "Anyways, what you said is true so I'll just follow your plan. Thanks once again Baekhyun. Or should I say, where do we start Seonsaengnim?" I laughed at her joke and decided to play along.

"Well Aera-shi, let's change into our swimwear first, shall we? Here's yours." I handed her a bag and she took a peek inside.

"Woah, you even bought me a...  bikini," Aera mumbled the last part but I could hear it loud and clear.

"Uhh... I know it's weird but I thought you'd prefer wearing a bikini. You told me before how uncomfortable a one-piece swimwear was when you wore it the last time."

"How did you know my size?" Her question made me freeze on the spot. I can't possibly tell her that I knew from hugging her. That would be perverted.

"Umm... my mom suggested to me the size so I hope it fits," I made an excuse and she just replied, "Ohhh, I see." I was worried that she wouldn't be convinced but she just thanked me with a grin and went to the changing room.

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