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Baekhyun's POV

"Baekhyun! Can you believe it? Our school will finally be able to compete against one of the best basketball teams from another school!" My buddy and vice-captain of the basketball team, Chanyeol, exclaimed.

"Of course I can, we are the best captains and we have the best players hehe," I said and winked at him. We laughed out loud as we walked to get some food at the cafeteria. Thank goodness our coach didn't take too much time so we could still fill our tummies before the last few lessons.

"YAH! SONG SE NA!" I heard a very familiar voice yell as we neared the cafeteria. Chanyeol recognised it too and we fastened our pace. However, what I saw was something I never would've expected to see in my life in a million years. My best friend who was always so quiet and calm, slapped my supposed-to-be-girlfriend on the cheek. She looked so different. I had never seen Aera this angry before, and she seemed like she was out of her mind. She even resorted to violence?

At the drop of a hat, I rushed past the crowd in front of me and shouted, "CHO AERA! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" I saw her eyes widen and mouth agape yet; her face remained filled with fury. I wanted to see if Se Na was alright first since I believe that nobody should get hurt physically. I felt like violence was really something one should never resort to even when they are not able to control their emotions. I held Se Na's shoulders as she started to tear up. I was going to ask what happened and why Aera hit Se Na when what I heard next made me blow through the rooftop. Aera scoffed and then yelled, "You're crying just from a slap? Seriously? I should be the one crying in pain after everything you've done to me!" That was enough. I couldn't believe that my best friend could do such a thing to somebody else so I told her off. "That's it Aera. Get out of my sight and never come close to Se Na. You're ruthless. How could you slap someone and still say such things?! I can't believe I've ever had you as my best friend." I didn't know how but those words just came out of my mouth. Immediately after saying that, my heart dropped and I regretted everything I said. Aera took one last glance at me and at Se Na, then ran out of the cafeteria out of sight.

Meanwhile, Se Na was breaking down right in front of me. Although I hated her, I couldn't just let her be hurt like this, especially since Aera was the one who caused it. I needed to figure out what happened. I was contemplating between chasing after Aera and staying with Se Na when Chanyeol patted me on the shoulder. "Don't worry about Aera. I'll find her and talk to her," he told me and ran as fast as lightning in the direction Aera went.

After Se Na calmed down, she explained to me that she was just comforting Aera on the loss of her sisters and asked if she was alright. However, Aera thought that she was making her look bad as others in the cafeteria overheard it and then she slapped her. I took what she said into deep consideration. However, something didn't fit in right. I needed to find the missing piece that made Aera result in what she did. She never cared about her reputation, which was why she never bothered to mingle around much in high school or in college. So why would she care about it now? Something was not making sense.

Se Na's friends told me that they would take care of her and that I should go to class first. The bell did ring so I had to head back. When the teacher entered, I informed him that Aera was facing some issues and Chanyeol went to find her. She told me okay and to go back to my seat.

After school ended, I went around to look for Aera and Chanyeol. As I walked past the lockers, I saw a tall panting guy scurrying towards me. It was the one and only, Park Chanyeol. However, there was no sight of Aera. Why did he not bring her?

"Baekhyun, you screwed up real bad man," Chanyeol started which made me raise an eyebrow, confused. "Tell me what Se Na told you first." He said and I relayed what Se Na said to me.

"But I do think it doesn't make sense. After all, Aera never cared much about her reputation in school and kept to herself. And how did Se Na even find out about her sisters? The only ones who knew were those who attended the funeral." I added.

"Se Na lied to you. It was all a lie from the start. Her plan to date you was not just for a bet, it was so that Aera and you would be apart and she could harass her. Did you know that Aera got beaten up after school on Monday and yesterday by Se Na? That was why she had so many bruises. She was sick after school on Monday because she caught a cold after Se Na poured ice-cold water on her and dirtied her uniform with eggs, tomatoes, orange juice and footprints. Se Na also threatened her to not report anything to the teachers by using her sisters' car accident as leverage. She told Aera that her sisters abandoned her and were running away to meet their rich boyfriends, which was why they were driving out of Seoul towards the airport. Aera didn't like how Se Na announced about her family and criticised them which was followed by everyone else in the cafeteria doing the same. Hence, Aera slapped her and now, she is devastated because her only best friend and the closest person she had told her to get lost and that he regretted ever being her best friend."

I listened attentively to everything Chanyeol said and it finally made sense. Aera was the one who truly got hurt, not Se Na. Aera slapped Se Na only because she disclosed and criticised her family in front of everybody else. Aera... she got caught up in this mess after I told her to stay away from me just so that I can execute my revenge on Se Na. I took a deep breath before asking Chanyeol where Aera was. He looked down for a second then sighed. "She said she's gonna stay away from you for real, Baekhyun. She got hurt by your harsh words and wants nothing to do with you anymore." It felt like my whole world came crashing down. Was this really the end of our friendship?

"No, I'm not going to let her go. I'm so freaking mad at Se Na and want to confront her but I need to get my best friend back first. So please Chanyeol, tell me where she is," I begged him. He just shook his head before replying one word, "Garden". I thanked him and ran as fast as I could to the school garden.

I walked around for a while before finding Aera sitting on a bench near the terrapin pond. As I approached her, I realised that her eyes were bloodshot red. "This just sucks. Life sucks so damn much." I heard her say and sigh. She then got up and turned, seeing me. In the blink of an eye, she grabbed her backpack and ran in the opposite direction of me. I chased after her. Obviously, I was faster than her so I managed to catch up and caught her wrist. She struggled to get out of my grasp but I just held her tighter.

"Aera please, just hear me out? I'm sorry I shouted at you. Earlier...at the cafeteria... I didn't mean any of it. You being my best friend was the best thing that has happened in my life so please, don't avoid me. I'm really sorry," I apologised profusely. However, her reply was short and in a cold tone. "Let go of me." For the first time, her voice sent shivers down my spine. I slowly eased my grip on her and she stood there, back towards me.

"You know, just like how you wanted me to hear you out, maybe if you had done the same before spewing hurtful words, we wouldn't be in this situation right now." What she said was right. I couldn't defend myself as that was the cold hard truth. I blasted at her earlier without even considering her feelings and the whole story. "I'm... sorry..." I said softly, feeling so much guilt. "I'm sorry too, Baekhyun. I should've told you what was happening when it all started. But, I didn't want to ruin your plans. Right now, I need some time alone. I just... need to sort out my feelings before doing anything." My head sunk upon hearing her words. I was afraid. I didn't want to lose my best friend.

Reluctantly, I sighed and said, "Okay." With that, she walked away.


"Take wherever (I don't think so)

Don't even be seen (I don't think so)

You'll never have me again (I don't think so)

Stop your obsession"

My Beautiful Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें