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Aera's POV

I was trapped in Baekhyun's arms, just like the first time we met. We had a staring competition for a long while before I finally gave in and looked away, asking what did he want. I then felt his warm breath on my ear as he replied, "You".

My heart skipped a beat as I turned my head hastily back to face him. I felt my cheeks reddening and wanted to get out of the situation I was in. "W-what do you mean?" I questioned as I hugged my books tighter to my chest. I did my best to look unaffected and raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled and answered, "I love you, Aera. I don't want us to be just best friends, I want to be your everything because you are my everything. I really do love you Cho Aera, so will you be my girlfriend?" I stared into his eyes as he said it. All I could see in them was sincerity and genuineness. I didn't know what to do. Should I confess? Should I deny my feelings?

I kept contemplating until the sound of the school bell echoed throughout the hallway. "Umm... let's get to class. It's time for our Chemistry lesson now! Yay Chemistry!" I awkwardly cheered and ducked underneath his arms, escaping from him. I then scurried back to class as I heard him yelling from behind, "Yah! Aera, wait up!" Fortunately, the teacher arrived just after I got to my desk as I panted. So, Baekhyun had no choice but to go to his seat as well.

For the rest of the day, I avoided Baekhyun at all costs. It was really difficult since he was sitting right behind me. Hence, I had to rush to get out of the classroom during recess and after school. After I had successfully gotten out of his radar, I heaved a sigh of relief and walked tiredly to the school garden. There, I placed my bag on the bench and sat down, reflecting on what happened in the morning. I then smiled to myself at the fact that Baekhyun had confessed and liked me in the way I liked him too.

"Looks like someone is happy," I heard a voice which I never wanted to have anything to do with. Se Na stood in front of me with her minions as she crossed her arms and looked at me smugly.

"Are you that over the moon that you stole my boyfriend? A little birdie told me that you were flirting with my Baekhyun in the hallway this morning. You still have the audacity to do such a thing after slapping me? Huh, you deserve more than a beating this time. Perhaps, some embarrassing photos of you for the whole world to see would be good enough. Girls!"

She called out to her minions and they grabbed my arms, making me stand up. They then threw me onto the ground and started pouring cold water on me once again. However, it was different this time. They poured the water so that my blouse got soaked and my bra could be visible. I did my best to cover it up with my uniform jacket but, to no avail. They then started grabbing my jacket and taking it off of me forcefully. One of them pulled on my blouse so forcibly that the buttons popped off and the top of my bra became visible. They started pulling down my skirt as well. All of this was done, with Se Na taking pictures of me everywhere. I cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't as strong as Sang Bum said. I couldn't fight back and kept struggling to stop them from ripping my clothes apart. I kept yelling for help but they poured more cold water on me, making me shiver and preventing me from saying anything.

Out of the blue, "AERA! NO, AERA!" I looked towards the direction of the voice and found Baekhyun running towards us. Se Na's mouth went agape as she stopped what she was doing and so did her minions. I was left on the ground, drenched with a torn blouse and pulled-down skirt. I covered my lower and upper body with my hands but I knew that I was already exposed too much. I sobbed as Baekhyun came running towards me and he kneeled down. He took off his windbreaker at the drop of a hat and placed it around me. It was big enough to cover me until where my underwear was exposed. I covered myself immediately, shivering so much. He looked at me, worry visible in his chocolate-brown eyes. He then hugged me, giving out both comforting words and his warmth. I shivered less in his embrace and calmed down a little.

"It's okay, I'm here now. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier. But don't worry, I won't let anyone do such a thing to you ever again, I promise," Baekhyun said as I buried my head in his chest. He then let go of me and stood up, facing the people who caused me to break down. He looked at them, wrath visible in his expression.

"Song Se Na, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions. I'm reporting you to our teacher and the police for bullying and harassment. I can't believe you could do this to another human being," Baekhyun told Se Na who was standing there, smirking.

"Come on Baekhyunnie! I know you don't like this bitch either. Plus, I'm your girlfriend. How could you report someone you love?"

"Pfftt... You? My girlfriend? You never were, are and never will be. It was all an act. I knew that you made a bet to make me date you but guess what? You're the one who got played back. I don't care if you have feelings for me and get hurt after this. But do know that I'm done playing as your fake $100 boyfriend. And how dare you call Aera a bitch? She stayed away from me and did so much for me all in order for me to get revenge on you. Yet; I took the side of someone so inhumane the last time they harmed her. I never should have believed you nor doubted Aera. From now on, stay away from us both Song Se Na. If I see you hurt Aera one more time, I don't know what I myself will do. So don't you dare come near the girl I love anymore."

Se Na's face was priceless. She stood there like a stunt fish. Baekhyun turned back to me, grabbed my bag and tried to help me stand up but I wasn't able to balance. He then lifted me up bridal style after buttoning up his windbreaker on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought me away from the garden, leaving the astonished Se Na and her minions behind.

As we walked back to my apartment, I gazed at Baekhyun. I had never seen him so mad before. Even when he shouted at me, he didn't look or sound this vexed. I looked down at my body and buried my head into his chest. I felt so embarrassed. Baekhyun saw me look so pathetic. I hate it when my loved ones see me suffer.

"Are you alright?" Baekhyun asked. I nodded and it became silent for a long moment until I spoke up.

"Baekhyun," I called out to him. He gave me a "Hmm" in response. He then looked at me. "Thank you... for earlier. I don't know what would've happened to me if they managed to do what they did all the way." I said softly. He gave me a small smile in response and looked forward, pressing the elevator button. Baekhyun, I know how to answer you now because I love you too.


"Even after time, I couldn't say anything

And just swallowed my words

Words saying, I'm sorry, I love you

Please believe in me like you do now

I'll hug you, I'll hold your hands

If we can be together forever

I'll give you my all

I Promise you"

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