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You did it. You finally escaped from your toxic relationship with a man who you thought loved you. He treated you exceedingly poorly. With the help of Emily, you realized who you were and how much you deserved. You had also found a new relationship that blossomed with her.

You sat on her couch and browsed through different tv shows. You moved into her apartment after the ordeal with your ex. He always had a way of getting into your head.

You drowned out the audio from the tv and all you heard was silence. No more quiet hum from the tv nor the fridge, no creaking of the apartment walls, nothing. The world went silent. It was only then you realized your hands had begun to shake.

You reached over for your phone that lay on the coffee table in front of you. You hit speed dial for Emily, no answer. You wanted to hear her voice that's all it really took sometimes.

Your heart raced faster as you called again - no answer. Again - no answer. Why would she pick up?

You brought your knees to your chest and scrolled through your texts, hoping you could calm down from rereading them. The panic only grew. Your only movement the trembling of your limbs and salty tears flowing down your face.

You opened your eyes when the door unlocked and opened.

Emily glanced at her phone. She had just parked her car and stepped into the elevator when she saw three missed calls from you. She had no service so she didn't call back and she would've been home in a few seconds anyhow so she thought you would be fine.

She grabbed her key and unlocked the lock, twisting the knob and entering. She saw you on the couch shaking, curled up into a tight ball. She dropped her things and ran over.

"I'm here, I'm here honey." She rubbed your back and sat next to you. She tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and looked into your teary eyes.

"What do you need? Food? A drink? Air? Silence? I can do all." She reassured. You focused on the patterns she traced into your back. It turned from random shapes and lines to an infinity symbol. That was her way of telling you she would always be there.

"Take a few deep breaths for me. In and out." She demonstrated and you mimicked her. At first it felt like nothing happened but the more you focused on your breathing, the less tension you felt in your chest.

Emily pulled you into a side hug and let her body warmth transfer to you. "We're all alone, everything will be okay."

You kept thinking about your ex. What if he found you? What if he hurt you or Emily?

"Get out of your head darling." You looked up at her with confusion as to how she knew. "I always know." She chuckled and pulled you closer.

"If it's your ex, I want you to take every bad memory and shove it into one breath. You're going to let go when you exhale, can you do that for me?" She let go of you so you could sit up straight. You nodded and inhaled. You thought about everything he did to you. Every thing, big or small. You deeply exhaled and released it all.

You remembered more so you did it again. After the exhale you smiled. You felt a little bit better but Emily could always do that.

Your hands were still shaking so she inched forward and wrapped her arms around your body.

"I am holding you in my arms for as long as you need because I am not letting go until I know that my girl is okay. I love you so much y/n." You brought your hand over hers and leaned into her body.

When you slowly calmed down she kissed your temple and began speaking,

"I'm sorry for not picking up. I was in the elevator and there was no service while on my way up. I hope you can still love me after this." She teased.

"I could never stop loving you." You whispered. She chuckled against your hair and shifted to lay down on the couch.

She gently tugged your arm and pointed in front of her. You laughed and laid down next to her. She immediately got as close as she could, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling your back flush against her.

"I promise I'll always pick up your calls. I love you y/n." You hummed in response and she lightly squeezed you.

"Okay okay, I love you Em." You both fell asleep shortly after, in the safety of each other's presence.


"Let your mind and heart rest for awhile. You will catch up, the world will not stop spinning for you, but you will catch up. Take a rest."

-Cynthia Go

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