Vacation with the boys

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Selena's Pov

I was getting ready to go into the studio when my phone rang I looked down at my screen and saw that it was my best friend Dlo. I met him at Paris fashion week and we hit it off we kept in contact and we became the best of friends. I answered his phone and he yelled "selenaaaaa girl what are you doing right now" I laughed and said " I am getting ready I need to go into the studio and record a few lyrics that I came up" he smiled and I looked at his screen and noticed that he was with friends and it looked like they were in a car "what are you doing dlo" he smiled and said "I am with booker, karl and davon we are on our way to Greece" I laughed and said "look at you traveling the world, take good pictures and send them to I will live through you" I heard everyone and then dlo said "why don't you fly out when you are done in the studio you have some time off coming up the next week come spend it with us we are fun" i laughed loudly and he was looking at me seriously "i am not sure how i feel going on a trip with nothing but men who will probably be up to no good dlo i know you" he laughed and said "well i am bringing kayla your girl so you guys can hang out" i smiled grabbed my keys and got in my car and said "well that would be nice to get away and breathe a little shit has been stressful since some songs were leaked" i heard dlo sigh and he said "it gets me hot that they did you foul sel, come one fly out after the studio i will pick you up if i cant then i will send someone" i pulled into the parking lot of the studio and said "just got to the studio ill talk it over with my  manager and see what is happening because we have a lot of press to cover since my songs were leaked" he sghed and said "don't hang up we have a way to get to the airport, let me hear what you got planned up your sleeve" I laughed pulled into the studio said hi to everyone and asked Mike my producer if he gotten the melodies from kygo he said yes and that we needed my courses recoded. I grabbed my phone and asked dlo if i can hang up and he said no. I laughed and said "well tell your friends i am sorry but i am about to begin" he laughed and said "they are all hearing so it's fine i want to hear this song come on" i began putting on my headphones on and started talking to myself and was taken out of my thoughts when i heard mike tell me if i was ready. I nodded and began hearing the melodies and began singing. 

Dlo's Pov

I was currently on my way to the jet with the guys when I decided that I should check in with selena, two days ago half of her album was leaked and they don't know how and i know she was having a hard time with that and was really upset. I had checked in on her the day before today and she seemed to have cooled off a little more and was happier, we have been the best of friends ever since we met at a fashion show she commented on my outfit and was inspired to upgrade her wardrobe. I was currently waiting for her to agree to come out Greece with my boys and I, I wanted her to get to know them and I really wanted to help my boy booker get back into the dating world he needs some loving. I noticed I was smiling a little too much while listening to Selena sing when I looked up I saw booker staring at me and I showed him my phone and he was hearing her and he said "her voice is incredible" I saw a sparkle in his eye that he was fascinated by her, she wasn't wearing much she had a baggy shirt and tights and a messy bun. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Selena say "oh hi you aren't dlo" Devin smiled at my phone and said "nah im devin, really good song" i grabbed my phone and said "go pack your bags you need to come with us" she laughed and said "my manager has a jet ready for me ill let you know when i land or a time frame i have a couple more hours here in the studio" I smiled and said " well catch up later sel be safe" she smiled and said "by dlo and dlos friend" before hanging up. I looked at Devin and said "what are you thinking" he chuckled and said "she is beautiful but I don't even know her baby steps" i laughed and said "good thing she is coming you can get to know her" he smiled before going to take a nap. 

Selena's Pov

I was wrapping up the song before hearing the entire song completely, it was beautiful i loved how it came out I looked at Mike and he approved of it and we agreed that we would release it in two weeks. I was given the okay to head home and pack things to head out to Greece with dlo and his friends. Once I made my way home I went straight to packing because I needed to be at the airport before 5pm and it was already 2pm. I grabbed my luggage started throwing everything that I needed grabbed my backpack put all of my electronic supplies in it and went to shower once i was done showering i made my way to the garage loaded up car service and sent dlo a message.

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