Chapter 9 - Vengeance

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Chapter specific warnings - none

The next morning came quicker than you had wanted. You were excited that the villain who took your husband's life would finally get what he deserved, but at the same time, you were uneasy and anxious. You didn't like the idea of Katsuki and many of your high school friends being out there, risking their lives. But at the end of the day, it was their job, and you would join them in a heartbeat if Katsuki would let you. Deep down, you knew that you would just get in the way and that the best you could do was to stay away from the fight.

Katsuki did, however, promise to let you watch from a safe distance. He was annoyed about it, but after your intense staring contest, he had eventually given in. Thinking back to that moment made you shiver. You still didn't understand what had gotten into you, but you were glad that Katsuki had put a stop to the situation before it had developed into something beyond your control.

Right now, you were getting ready in Katsuki's bathroom, while he was preparing his costume and gear for the fight. You were going to meet with the wives and girlfriends of the other heroes, they too wanted to watch the battle.

Katsuki said that the heroes had gone out of their way to organise body cams and other gear so that you could all watch a live stream of the fight. You were too excited to even question how ridiculous that sounded, and Katsuki was happy about that. He didn't like lying to you, but it was a small price to pay to ensure your safety.

When you were ready, Katsuki was already waiting in the hallway, leaning against the wall. He heard you coming closer, and his eyes landed on yours. You could tell that he was nervous, even though he was trying very hard not to let it show.

"Are you finally ready?" He grunted.

You just nodded, because you didn't know what to say. You didn't know how to calm him down while you were a nervous mess yourself. You really hoped that they would be alright. You didn't know what you'd do if the mission failed. The thought of losing Katsuki was too much, you couldn't let him slip away as well. He sensed your anxiousness and gave you a cocky grin.

"That guy doesn't stand a chance against Ground Zero," he said, giving you a thumbs up. For some reason, it reminded you of All Might in his glory, and it made you chuckle.

"You're cute, Suki," you said, without overthinking it.

It made Katsuki blush, though, and he tried hard to ignore it. He couldn't get flustered right now, he had to concentrate on the mission.

"Let's go," was all he said, before opening the door, letting you step out first.

He was going to drop you off at Ochako's and Izuku's place where you would sit and watch the fight with the others. You were looking forward to seeing all your friends again, but at the same time, you were nervous. You hadn't seen them since the funeral, and even then you hadn't really paid any attention to them.

When Katsuki stopped in front of their house, you hesitated for a moment. You didn't want to go inside, and you also didn't want to leave Katsuki's side. You had been glued to each other for weeks and saying goodbye was more difficult than you had expected - especially knowing that he was going on a dangerous mission.

You looked at him, unsure of what to do or say. You placed one of your hands on his thigh and squeezed it lightly.

"Don't you fucking dare lose today," you said in a soft tone. "Or else I break every single bone in your body."

He started laughing. "Thanks for encouraging me."

You laughed with him, but your serious expression returned very quickly. "Seriously, please be careful out there, Suki. I don't think I could cope with losing you. I hope you know how much you mean to me," you said, tears welling up in your eyes.

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