Chapter 14 - Hope

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Chapter specific warnings - Making out and undressing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

"I swear to god, if I have to call you one more time, I'm going to get really mad!" You yelled from the kitchen, a big frown on your face.

Breakfast was ready to be served, but apparently, nobody around you seemed to care. You had been calling out for the past five minutes, but not a single footstep could be heard.

"Fine," you shouted. "No breakfast it is then."

Usually, the prospect of missing out on a meal made your family run right to the table - but not today. It was odd, and you couldn't help but worry a little.

You walked upstairs, but all the rooms were empty. Panic was setting in, where was everyone? They had been here just half an hour ago when you had woken them up. How could they have vanished just like that? It immediately gave you flashbacks of a night a long time ago. Your eyes started to tear up, and you frantically searched the house, but you didn't find what you were looking for.

A loud squeal made you jump, and you walked towards the back door where the noise had come from. You opened it and immediately felt a massive weight being lifted off of your shoulders. Thank god, they were alright.

You leaned against the door frame, watching your children play catch with their father. It was the middle of summer, so it was already warm outside. You couldn't help but smile when you saw the kids running around, trying to escape from their dad who was pretending to be a big bad wolf attempting to capture them.

You made eye contact with your husband, and he gave you a soft smile, right before he snatched your daughter from behind, making her giggle loudly. He placed her on his shoulders, and she squealed in excitement.

"Daddy is my pet dragon!" She exclaimed, pulling on his hair as though she was holding reins.

Your husband let it happen, he could never say no to her, a bad habit he would definitely have to give up before she became too spoilt.

He looked around the garden, pretending that he wasn't able to see your son, who was poorly hidden behind a tree.

"I wonder where Hisashi has gone," your husband wondered. "If we can't find him he'll have to stay out here forever."

You started chuckling, and your son immediately ran out of hiding, tackling his father's leg.

"I'm right here, daddy!" He laughed. "I'm the best at hiding! You never find me."

Your husband laughed and easily picked the little boy up. He held your daughter on his shoulders with one arm and carried your son with the other. You would never understand where he took the strength from. Your kids weren't all that small anymore, you struggled to pick up even one of them.

"Alright, let's get inside and have some breakfast. You know how scary your mum gets when you let her wait," he chuckled, knowing full well that you heard him say that.

You giggled in response and walked into the kitchen, followed by your family. The morning exercise had made your kids hungry, so you didn't have to struggle to get them to sit down, which you very much welcomed. You didn't have all that much energy these days.

You were still standing by the kitchen counter, pouring yourself a cup of tea, when strong arms hugged you from behind. You turned your head around and looked into your husband's beautiful eyes. He gave you a big smile.

"Good morning, my gorgeous wife," he said, giving you a long kiss.

"GROSS!," your kids screamed from their seats.

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