Chapter 12 - Loneliness

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Chapter specific warnings - mentions of a fight, some minor wounds, and some spice (making out and sexc time... I'm so awkward when it comes to smut omg)

"S-suki," you said concerned. "What happened to you?"

He just clicked his tongue and opened the door a bit wider, motioning you to come inside.

"Nothing," he mumbled.

He closed the door, and you stopped next to him, carefully touching his face.

"This doesn't look like nothing to me, Katsuki," you said sternly.

He sighed. "I got into a fight. No big deal."

You brushed your fingers over his swollen cheek, traced the bruise that was forming around his eye, and eventually touched the cut on his bottom lip. He winced slightly.

"S-sorry," you muttered. "I'll go get a wet towel."

You were trying to turn around and go to his bathroom, but he held you back, firmly grabbing your wrist.

"I'm okay," he said, his eyes focused on yours, you could tell that he was just as drunk as you were. "Why are you here?"

You gulped. This wasn't going as you had expected. You thought he would be happy to see you, but it didn't seem like that at all.

"What was the fight about?"

He clicked his tongue. "Nothing, just drop it. Now tell me why you are here."

He was still firmly holding your wrist. "Not until you tell me why you look like you participated in a fight club."

"Tch. It was just a bar fight. Two guys said something that pissed me off, and I blew up," he explained. "That good enough for you?"

You raised your eyebrows. "What did they say?"

He grunted. "Red Riot's widow sure is hot, I'd sure as hell fuck her," Katsuki said, clearly mockingly imitating one of the guys.

"You got into a fight because of me?"

He nodded. "So what? Now tell me why you're here, (y/n)."

His tone didn't sit quite right with you. He seemed mad at you. Was it because you had distanced yourself from him? Now that you thought about it, you couldn't really blame him for having enough of your bullshit.

You wondered whether he had gone out to find someone to hook up with. Maybe he really was over you. "Did you go out alone?"


You tilted your head a little. "To the bar, I mean. Did you go alone?" He just nodded, and you pursed your lips. "Why?"

Katsuki clicked his tongue. "Why are you interrogating me like this?"

"Why can't you answer my question?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Yes. I went out alone, (y/n). Not sure if you know this, but I don't have many friends."

You grimaced. That's not at all what you wanted to imply. You wanted to know whether he went out to find a woman to bring home with. You decided that this whole back and forth wasn't going anywhere. You'd just have to ask him whether he was over you or not. You were suddenly glad about the alcohol in your system. It gave you the courage to just blurt it out. "Did you go out to find someone to hook up with?"

He looked at you with wide eyes. "Wha- No, of course, not. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know... I mean it's been three months so I figured you'd go out and find someone to fool around with, I guess."

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