Oh Boy

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Okay guys, it's been two years since I updated this last. There are still people reading and leaving comments with lots of love for this train wreck. I have decided to continue this and start updating again. I don't know if I'll be updating any of my actual fan fiction stories or not, I haven't decided. I don't even listen to BVB anymore. Like, once a month I'll listen to a song by them but that's about it. So, not sure if I'll be doing anything with those. But I will be updating this. And because I have no clue how to go about this I'm gonna make it easy on myself. We all saw how many submissions I had (you kinky fucks need to chill) so instead of sifting through hundreds of comments looking for good ideas I will simply be taking the first comment off of each chapter starting with this post. Now, because I am obviously no longer 16 I don't have the time that I used to. I have work and other adult duties that come with graduating high school. So not entirely sure how often I'll update this, I'm hoping for one a week at least. So go ahead and comment,  drop your character and kink and I'll write it some smut with the band member of your choice. Even if I have to Google the fucker first.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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