Chapter 2

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Papyrus sighs. "another day, another reset." He lit a cigarette and started forward. Sans was making breakfast. Tacos, again. Papyrus would spend the day emotionally preparing for when Chara came out of the ruins. The last run had been perfect, everyone was happy, the barrier was broken, and Blue was alive. But, like always, the human had to reset and take it all away. They were probably wandering around the ruins with Asgore right now. Papyrus called out to Sans, "i'm heading out, have fun training with alphys. don't work yourself, down to the bone, nyeheheheh" "PAPYRUS, ENOUGH OF THE PUNS, AND YOU'D BETTER NOT BE SLEEPING ON THE JOB AGAIN TODAY! YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED IN CASE A HUMAN COMES!" Sans called out. "i don't know, blue. i'm pretty bone-tired" "PAPYRUSSSSS"

Papyrus had used a shortcut to get to the door to the ruins. "nyeh, now all i gotta do is wait for the kid to come out, they better not be hurting anyone, they have been pretty good these past few runs, i'm sure it'll be fine...." Papyrus waited, he knew the human would get tired of pacifist runs eventually. Soon, the human would become bored and decide to take everyone Papyrus loved away just for the fun of it. How sick. Eventually Papyrus fell asleep at his station when suddenly he was awoken by a sharp pain in his skull. It felt like....he felt like he was back in the judgement hall, just after being slain by the human. He felt like he was being split apart, "w-what the heck is happening to me-" then everything went black.


"BROTHER, YOU NEED TO INCREASE YOUR HP IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE IN THIS WORLD" Papyrus screamed at his lazy brother while Sans sat on the couch, drinking mustard. "what's the point, boss. why does it matter?" "LOOK, I'VE ALREADY GOT ENOUGH ENEMIES HERE, AND WHILE THEY MAY BE AFRAID TO ATTACK ME, THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING THEM FROM ATTACKING YOU, SO IF YOU DON'T AT LEAST TRY TO RAISE YOUR HP, YOU WILL BE DESTROYED" Papyrus had been constantly trying to get his brother to train. He knew he couldn't show anyone that he had cared for his brother, because if you show you care for someone, that person becomes a weakness. Being second in the royal guard gave Papyrus lots of enemies. He wanted his brother to be safe, but it was hard when Sans refused to do anything.

"what's the point" Sans thought. Everything will just reset anyway. He knew that if anyone attacked him, he could just dodge, but nothing he did truly mattered. Still, it was nice to know that his boss secretly cared about him, even if it seemed like Papyrus was yelling and being cruel, he really was trying to look out for his brother.

The world had just reset again. In the previous run, the human managed to make everyone happy. Sans loved watching that happen, he loved watching the human struggle to change everyone and to show mercy in such a violent world. Soon, the human would come back out of that door and play a new game. Would this be another happy game, or will this one be more....interesting. Sans was nervous to find out. He was fine with violence, heck, this world was full of it. But, he didn't want anything happening to his boss. Deep down, they were still brothers and they still cared about each other.

As Papyrus was doing his rounds, searching, preparing for a human to come, he had felt a sharp pain in his skull. His vision began to fade out. Everything felt like it was spinning and he was sure that he was dying, though he wasn't sure what happened. "WHA- WHAT-" Suddenly, everything went black.

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