Chapter 3

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Papyrus wakes some spot out in Snowdin just past the town. Weird, he never comes all the way over here.... he tried remembering how he got here. "NYEH! HOW DID I GET HERE?" Suddenly he spots a few teenagers. They yell, "Hey! Mr. Guardsman! What's with the stupid outfit?" Papyrus is in shock, why are people here being so rude all the sudden. He gets up and replies, "WELL, THAT WASN'T VERY NICE, MOST PEOPLE THINK MY BATTLE BODY IS RATHER COOL, NYEH HEH HEH HEH!" He is questioning why he feels so weird.

"UHH, YOU GUYS WOULDN'T KNOW HOW I GOT HERE, WOULD YOU?" "Ha, let me guess, you had to much to drink? You probably were so wasted that you didn't remember wandering around out here, that would be my guess, although, you usually seem like that guy who is to respectable to get drunk, so I don't know" Papyrus knew he hadn't been drinking. He never drinks. It had to be something else. "THAT CAN'T BE IT, THANK YOU ANYWAY THOUGH!" The teenagers seemed shocked by hearing this. As if the words "thank you" had really been an insult of some kind. They then just walked away with confused looks on their faces.

Papyrus is standing there, trying to remember what happened before he got here. "LET'S SEE, I WAS AT HOME GETTING READY TO FACE THE HUMAN WHEN-"Papyrus begins to panic. "OH NO! I NEED TO HELP THE HUMAN! He takes off running towards the edge of Snowdin where he planned on confronting and sparing the human. There, he waited. He waited, and waited for a few hours, but nobody came.

Weird, he was sure the human would be here by now. He decided to maybe go home and come up with a new plan.

While walking home, people began to stare at him. He felt uncomfortable, like he had failed to help the human. He got home and went to his room, but to his surprise, his racecar bed was gone! "WHERE IS ALL MY STUFF??" He checked his closet and all his clothes were replaced with weird, yet very cool looking red and black uniforms. He had felt more confused than ever when he heard the door open.

"boss, i'm home!" Called Sans as he opened the door, walked in and plopped down on the couch while grabbing a bottle of mustard. Papyrus ran to greet his brother and tell him about all the weird things that have been happening. He ran down to the couch, "BROTHER, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE DAY I'VE HA-....SANS?" Papyrus was confused. "uhh, boss? what's...what's with the outfit?" "I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU THE SAME THING- WAIT....DID YOU JUST CALL ME BOSS? WHAT'S WITH THE GOLDEN TOOTH AND THE RED EYES?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! AND ARE YOU DRINKING MUSTARD?! MY GOD, SANS! WHAT'S GOING ON WITH EVERYONE?! YOU BETTER NOT BE PRANKING ME ACROSS TIME AND SPACE AGAIN, BROTHER!" Sans looked at his brother with a confused look on his face. Clearly something was way off. "whoa, whoa, whoa.... slow down bro....wait... aren't my boss...are you?"

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