Chapter 14

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Sans handed Papyrus the phone as they waited in the lab. It was apparently another Papyrus. This explained why everyone here was so different. He was glad that the mystery was solved, but apart of him was a little sad. He didn't want to leave this sans. What if the human hurt him? 

He explained to this sans that his real brother would be coming home soon. Sans seemed really confused. "SO, YOU AREN'T MY REAL BROTHER? IS THAT WHY YOU'VE BEEN ACTING SO WEIRD?" Papyrus responded, "HEH, YEAH." He was trying to hide the sadness he was feeling. Why didn't he want to go home. When he first got here everything about this world bugged him so much. The truth was, he liked being able to express emotions other than anger. He liked being able to show concern for his brother. It gave him a feeling of happiness.

The human got past the robot. Sans started getting nervous. "PAPYRUS, WE NEED TO TRY TO STOP THE HUMAN FROM GETTING TO QUEEN TORIEL!" Sans seemed so determined to protect the queen. Papyrus wanted to stop him, but he knew now that when this sans wanted to do something, nothing could stop him. Sans took off running for the judgement hall. Papyrus had to chase after him.

Once they had gotten to the hall, Sans sat down to wait. "YOU KNOW, EVEN THOUGH YOU AREN'T REALLY MY BROTHER, I LIKED HANGING OUT WITH YOU. YOU'RE A PRETTY COOL GUY. MWEHEHEH!" Papyrus felt....happy. This version of sans actually liked him, even though he was mean? "NYEH, I'VE LIKED HANGING OUT WITH YOU TOO, BROTHER!" 

This moment was ruined when the human stepped into the room.

Sans was about to start talking, prepared to face the human when Papyrus pushed him out of the way. "HUMAN, YOU SHALL NOT TAKE A STEP FURTHER. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL STOP YOU FROM PROCEDING." Papyrus didn't know what he was doing, all he knew is that he couldn't let sans fight the human. 

The human swings at Papyrus, lands a hit, it deals a lot of damage, but Papyrus is still alive, he responds with a blue attack. "HA, YOU'RE BLUE NOW!" Sans is yelling at Papyrus, "BROTHER?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP!" Papyrus lets the human attack again. They have a ton of LV, so their attacks are super effective. He is already down to 1 HP, just like his brother at home. It's scary to just have 1 HP. He is scared, but he continues. If he can destroy the human, then the human wouldn't be able to hurt Sans. He uses an attack he hardly ever uses, summoning a large gaster blaster and firing it at the human. The human survives, but barely.

Sans is now crying, "PAPYRUS, WATCH OUT! THE HUMAN-" Sans stops, runs to the fight, and turns the humans soul blue again while Papyrus fires more bone attacks. Now the two brothers from different worlds were fighting against the one human, together. Sans gives Papyrus a bone sword which Papyrus uses to block more attacks. The human continues to try to destroy the taller skeleton. Once the human is almost dead, 1 HP left, just like Papyrus, they prepare to try to strike another attack. 

The two brothers are moving together, working together, doing what they can to stop the human. As they fight, they seem truly in sync. Sans holds the human in a blue attack while Papyrus fires more bone attacks at them. 

Papyrus doesn't care if he gets hurt how, he just had to keep the human's attention on himself so they didn't hurt Sans. He had to kill them before he got sent back home. He fired everything he  had at them, but they continued to dodge as if they had done this a million times. 

Sans could tell that Papyrus did not want him there helping, but he couldn't just stand by and let the human kill his brother. A Royal Guardsman would protect their loved ones, so that is what he would do. He actually rather enjoyed fighting with this version of his brother. It was weird to see Papyrus so filled with energy. His Papyrus was probably to lazy to fight like this.

Papyrus continues to fire everything he had at the human. Why wouldn't they just die already? He had never felt so afraid. He looks at this sans, who is focused on the task at hand. He looks back at the human, but then realized he just made a grave mistake. 

The human looks into Papyrus's eyes, they see him look at his brother, then the human gets an idea. They decide to try something new. The turn towards their new target, and swing their knife right at Blue.

Papyrus screams, runs towards blue, and drops to his knees. The human slips past him and into the next room, but he doesn't care. He holds Sans, who's arms are beginning to dust. He cries, "NO, NO NO NO, SANS, PLEASE DON'T. BROTHER, PLEASE, AGHHHHH, THIS WAS MY FAULT. I SHOULD HAVE TRIED HARDER TO KEEP YOU AWAY FROM THE HUMAN. I SHOULD HAVE-" Sans interrupts him, "HEY, IF YOU HURRY, YOU CAN STILL STOP THEM." Papyrus looks at him. Blue's face is beginning to dust as well. "NO, NO, I NEED TO STAY WITH YOU. I-I-." Sans looks at him. "YOU HAVE TO STOP THEM. I BELIEVE IN YOU, BROTHER." Sans then faded to dust.

Papyrus clutched onto the blue scarf that this sans wore around his neck."NO...NO NO NO NO! AGHHH" He for the first time in years, begins to cry. "I-I LOVE YOU, BROTHER." 

Papyrus got up, set the scarf down, then ran towards the human. He was going to kill them. He was going to kill them for hurting such an innocent person. The human was in the next room, they had just killed to Toriel, who apparently in this universe was the queen. Papyrus shouted, "HEY, HUMAN! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" He summoned two blasters and fired them both at the human. "YOU DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!"

Papyrus tried firing at the human, but his attacks had no effect on them. The human was gone. "W-WHAT THE HECK?" Papyrus was more confused than ever. Where did they go?? What does he do now? Where can he even go? He was all alone now, for the first time ever. He returned to Sans's scarf, feeling defeated. He had lost.

 He didn't know what to do. He decided to write a note for sans. Sans was gone, and Papyrus felt stupid writing this, but he didn't care anymore. He wrote it, and left it in the scarf. How could he have grown to actually care about someone so much in such a short time? He guessed it was because blue showed him kindness and compassion. Gosh, he missed kindness. 

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