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Todoroki starts out with a ice attack heading straight towards Deku. Deku blocks his straight forward attack with One for All. Breaking his middle finger and the ice with the force.

A large chilling gust of wind comes from the power of Deku's attack. Making everyone shiver and exclaim in surprise. I thought about bringing a jacket to this fight, but decided against it due to Todoroki's fire. It will definitely heat up later on.

Todoroki had created a wall behind himself so the intense cold wind would not blow him out of bounds. Both boys are close to the out of bounds line. As soon as the wind had ceased Todoroki repeated his attack from earlier.

It's the same cycle. Todoroki sends a high speed attack his way, Deku breaks away the ice, a big chilly gust of wind. Over and over again.

Deku has broken three of his fingers already. His pointer, middle and ring. He had five more chances.

Just then Kirishima comes into the booth talking about how he is missing the fight. The conversation soon drifts into weaknesses and limits. The conversation becomes background noise as I watch the fight.

Aaannndddd there goes his pinky...

I sigh and start messing with my fingers. I wonder what it feels like to break your fingers to the extent that Deku is breaking his.

Todoroki creates a walk way leading above Deku to try and finish this round. Only for Deku to use his quirk again, and break his halfway healed middle finger on his bandaged hand. Todoroki falls from the now broken ice sculpture and turns it into attack. He hits the ground with his fist creating ice where his fist made impact.

Deku jumps out of the way of the attack only for his foot to be caught by Todoroki's ice. Deku powers up his whole arm and goes to take a punch. This creates a vast gust of wind and a icy smoke screen. His attack also renders his broken and useless. Todoroki was only blown away. Only a few yards from the out of bounds.

From my seat in the stands I watch with my arms hugging myself. That was just a warm up compared to what is going to happen next. Todoroki already has ice covering his right side. Deku has four broken fingers and a broken arm. This isn't looking good for with of them. It's only a matter of minutes until this gets angsty.

Todoroki goes for another large attack with his ice. Again Deku blocks this with another blow. He used his already broken finger. This attack pushes Todoroki back so far he is only mere feet away from out of bounds. So close yet so far...

Everyone is sitting on the edges of their seats. Heck! Even me! And I've watched this however many time!

"So come at me with everything you've got!" Deku yells for the whole stadium to hear

Here comes the angst! It's from this point on that I can quote the rest of the round. Which is something I am quite proud of. Silly as it may be.

"Midoriya, what are you trying to do here? You want my fire? What did my monster of a dad bribe you or something? Now I'm mad!"Todoroki says while charging at Deku.

Only he is slower than before because of the ice covering his right side. Todoroki reached Deku and goes to attack only for Deku to power up his nonbroken arm and hit him right in the stomach. Todoroki freezes Deku's broken arm before getting flung backward by the power of Deku's hit.

There are blood splots on the stage from Deku's broken fingers. I guess the bright side is that he didn't break his whole arm in the attack.

Todoroki does the same attack only slower. Deku jumps to the side to get away. The fight continues. I see Cementoss talks with midnight via a communication radio in their ears. At this point the two boys have been switching between hand to hand combat at quirk usage.

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