Blue Bells

66 7 0

Prompt: Those words just didn't sit right.

Those words just didn't sit right. The moment Xisuma heard Doc say, "It's fine, just a little rust. I can take care of it." He felt anything but reassured. Instead, he felt uneasy.

Was it really just rust?

Doc's mechanical parts had been acting off for a few days now, but the hybrid simply brushed it off as nothing bad. He instead carried on about his day ignoring any worry. Looking closer at the parts, it just looked like a bit of rust, nothing too hard to clean off.

But Doc knew that wasn't all there was to it. He knew because just rust couldn't send his mechanics haywire, cause him to lose control over his own body parts, cause him to do things he himself would never do.

No way rust could do that.

Doc, Xisuma- everyone knew that. Yet Doc still did nothing. Still said nothing.

Rust couldn't make fires when he touched certain metal objects with his mechanic arm. Nor would it be able to mess with his sight in his one red eye.

Xisuma knew that much about mechanics. Something else was wrong and Doc was just hiding it.

There had to be a reason for him to hide it. But why?

For him not to worry? He always worried about his Hermits, they were his family after all.

For him to be seen as perfect, with nothing wrong with him? For him to be seen as someone who didn't need help?

Doc should be able to say whether he needed help.

Xisuma would try his best to help, but he wouldn't pry him into getting help. He wanted Doc to feel comfortable about getting help, not forced into it. He'll be ready when he is.

Even if Doc wasn't ready to tell anyone what was going on X could at least try and help the best he could. It would just be until the hybrid told him.

Until then X started to wonder what could be going on.

Did Doc do something that caused his mechanical side to break. If so what was it?

If not was it a glitch? That was unlikely since Xisuma checks the servers code once a week.

There were so many things that it could be but Xisuma would never be able to truly know until Doc tells him.

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