Blue Bells

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Scar was getting fed up with seeing Mycelium pop up in his beautiful green grass land in the shopping district. He had figured out Grian was the cause but didn't know his reason still. He wanted to caught the gremlin in the act and confront him. And that was exactly what had happened.

Grian was replacing another patch of grass with Mycelium not paying any mind to his surroundings. He didn't even hear or notice Scar approaching him until Scar had said something.

"So it was you who was replacing my grass with Mycelium?" Scar spoke up, startling the gremlin.

Grian looks up at Scar with realization on what was happening. "Uhh, hehe. Yeah, you could say that. Maybe the Mooshrooms just want their home back to normal and I was gonna be the one to help them out."

"No, Grian you can't. I had a plan and the island looks much more better without Mycelium. We don't need it, it doesn't fit in anymore."

"But the Mooshrooms home-"

"Mooshrooms don't stay here anymore, G." Scar interrupted

"Because of you taking them away from their home! And replacing their home with grass!" Grian shouted.

"Grian I don't get why the Mooshrooms are so important! They are just cows with mushroom. Nothing too special" Scar said.

"But they only spawn on this kind of biome! We are only doing harm by replacing the grass and taking away what's so rare about this place!"

"If you can't understand what I'm doing is good for everyone else then I don't know what to do..." Scar said with a sigh.

"THEN WHY NOT DO GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT?! IT OBVIOUSLY NEEDS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THEN WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! I should've never voted for you to be mayor..." Grian exclaimed angrily.

The hermit in a red sweater then walked off

Days passed and Scar heard nothing from Grian. In fact, no one did.

He had holed himself up in his mansion, working himself to exhaustion and refusing to speak to anyone. He would go out for materials at night, avoiding anyone still up for any reason.

Scar was worried, to say the least.

So he made his way to the shopping district one evening, and just waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until a familiar sandy blond showed up.

He didn't notice Scar until the mayor appeared right behind the hermit who was searching through a chest.

"Grian." Said hermit yelped and smacked his head on the top of the chest. He whirled around and locked gazes with Scar, surprise turning into sadness and anger.

"I have no business with you," Grian muttered. He started to push past the taller hermit and leave. "Don't talk to me."

"Hey-" Scar grabbed his old friend's sleeve and was almost immediately slapped away.

"Look," The mayor sighed. "I just want to talk. Calmly."

Grian glared at him, but his gaze wasn't hateful and instead pained. "Just- make it quick."

Scar took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry- I just want the best for this place, alright? I didn't mean to upset anyone. Plus the grass looks be-"

"All you care about is you and your stupid appearance," Grian whispered, tears dripping down his face. "You think you're all that as the mayor, but in reality you're just a selfish perfectionist. You don't even care about the wellbeing of the animals and what your own citizens want."

Scar's glare softened at the sight of the tears. "Gri-"

Grian took in a shaky breath, the tears coming in more. "You've been spending so much time 'perfecting' the shopping district. You don't talk to anyone- you don't talk to me anymore!"

"I just want my friend back."

Scar's eyes widened. "I didn't m-"

Grian cut him off again. "This isn't fun. Not at all. I just- I'm tired of fighting over what kind of plant we're walking on. This is dumb and I- I just want things the way they used to be-" he cut himself off with his own sobs. His tears were too plentiful to be wiped away and he gave up trying, wiping his sleeves on his pants.

Scar looked at him with a conflicted expression. The more his friend broke down, the more he regretted everything he'd said and done.

The mayor knew he'd fucked up.

Pulling Grian into a hug, Scar whispered apologies and promises. Telling him that he'd fix this, he'd fix everything.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I'll- I'll fix it, I'll make sure everything's okay," he murmured. Grian calmed down a bit after a bit of this.

He hadn't realized how much more important his friendship's were than his mayoral duties until he'd almost lost them.

Never again.

Never again would he hurt the people he cared for most.

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