Pink Snowflakes

53 5 2

Prompt: I gave you plenty of warnings

Doc stared at the remnants his beloved GOAT Mother, the head laying in ruins. Tears burned in his eyes as he saw Keralis amd Bdub's retreating forms in the distance nervous chuckles bouncing off the mountains as they made their "grand" escape from the crime scene.

He clenched his fist tightly, pure rage in his gaze as his eyes bore into the ground, coming up with a plan to get back at the two who dared to cross him. The cyborg-creeper had had enough of Bdub's and his shenanigans.

All good things must come to an end, and it seemed their friendship is what would meet it's demise this time.


Doc glared down at Bdubs below him, the man below him was panting for breath as he felt his lungs being crushed, him being trapped between the squeezing walls of a machine built to torture, maybe even kill.

"I gave you enough warnings"

Bdubs felt his vision go foggy as he closed his eyes to try and focus on something, anything other than the pain inside of him.

His eyes shut closed, tightly. Too tightly. They refused to open. Would that be the last thing Bdubs heard before he died? It was just a mistake, truley!

Of course his friend won't be as mad as he presented, right? The aching pain in his chest and his burning eyes would beg to differ. Everything will be just fine, it always has been, his thoughts comforted him. Trying to calm him down on his final moments. But it was just the fuel lighting up the large bomb in his mind that destroyed everything.

"Everything is fine" he reassured himself, "nothing is wrong."

Thumps on the outside of the large walls echoed in his mind. He heard grunts as a familiar voice made its way into hearing range.

"Things are wrong!" Doc yelled, waving his hands in the air. "Why do you always try to hide it? This is why we never get anywhere! You always deny anything's wrong, but there is!" Doc wiped his face, though no tears were seen on his face. Not that Bdubs would know.

"Of course it's me! Why me? Why does everyone hate me this season?" Doc shouts to the air, crying.

Bdubs felt his hearing fade out as he heard his former friend's shouts become muffled, turning into soft ramblings about being tired of it all. Anxiously wanting a reply that he would never get as Bdubs felt his final moments contemplating what had happened in Season Six to turn his friend to such ruthless methods before confrontation.

Maybe the signs that something was wrong were there. Maybe Bdubs ignored them in hopes of having fun with a friend. At least- what he thought was fun. But here he was, desperately trying to gasp out final words to his friends in hopes of helping him, but being unable to do so.

Then all went silent.

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