Blue Bells

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Song: I think I just died (english cover) - will stetson

Yeah, from the very moment that we're all alive 

All his life, Cub had little faith in anything.

He went through everything half-heartedly. Days passed unnoticed and time felt nonexistent for the most part.

It wasn't a pleasant life, to say the least.

Hiding his dull behavior wasn't difficult, having done it all his life. He'd just interact with people, build, do redstone, act 'normal'.

The other hermits would percieve him as 'determined' and 'hardworking' but in reality he was just pushing himself through everything, overworking himself to forget the emptiness.

And no one caught on.

To be completely honest?

Cub was ready to entirely give up on life, on everything.

What else could he do?

He knew there was no recovering from- whatever the heck this was. This empty way of living. This dull way of existing.

He had silently accepted the fact that this was going nowhere. That it never would. So why continue longer than needed?

There will come a day where everything will shatter and die

Cub knew he should keep pressing on. He knew it wasn't healthy to dwell on everything going wrong. He needed to find the positive emotions, he needed to nurture them like he would to a tiny flame or a seed.

It was hard though, when the happiness kept hiding from him.

'Nothing, absolutely nothing, lasts forever.' Cub held a shard of glass in his hands, the remnant of an explosion that had sunk in half of his base.

'Not the cheerful feelings. . . but what about the bad ones?

He held it, imagining gathering all joy he had been trying to find all his life onto the icey smooth surface. Once he blinked, though, all that remained was transparent glass.

'Am I transparent? Do the other hermits waste their time seeing through me

Cub dropped the glass and ground it under the tip of his pickaxe.

Like a ship that sinks into the deep

Cub just wondered if the others cared about him at all but the more he tried to convince himself they did care, the more he seemed to sink.

If they did care, they would notice him suffering. They would help. But do they?


Although it always felt hard, it was even harder now. Cub wonder why he even tried. He struggled through life, but his efforts were only rewarded with more pain and lack of hope.

It was truly his end. But there was only one way to do it.

and fades away

He decided to make the pain stop. If anyone really did care for him, this was their time to show him.

Cub stared out into the distance. He could end it all, here and now.

Would anyone really miss him? If he just left them all.

He doubted that they would. No one was here to stop him anyway.

His light was fading fast and he no longer cared to stay where he didn't matter. He didn't matter to himself, nor the other Hermits.

He would just end it, let them stay happy without him.

He closed his eyes, and the world faded away from his grasp.

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