Pink Snowflakes

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ZIT wasn't always fun and games, there was a time when everyone was fighting, things were more tense, and well. Some Things didn't go well. The team was glad that time was over, but it never left their minds.

Well, everyone except Zedaph.

Though the man had always been the one caught up in the middle of the messes, he was used to the peace never lasting long, and now it would. But with a catch.

The boomers, made up of Impulse, Bdubs and Tango. Impulse and Tango had stopped talking to him as much since it was founded, and Zedaph...

Zedaph wasn't sure how to feel.

Was he jealous-? Yes, of course. Who wouldn't be when their best friends suddenly dropped him like the latest trend.

Worst of all, it seemed that neither of them had even noticed his change in attitude. How he spoke less when they met up, how his voice was quieter even when he dod speak. How he didn't eagerly talk about his latest contraption that he had thought up.


This type of life slowly continued on for another month. But when something is bottled up, it gotta be let go. And the explosion won't be pretty. It was a normal meeting at first, but when the two started talking about their explosion job.

Zedaph couldn't take it anymore.

Zedaph took a deep breath, trying to muster all his courage as he spoke, "Have either of you noticed how much you have been neglecting talking to me? I've been barely spoken a single word beside 'hello' and 'that's nice!'."

He stopped for a moment to look away before starting again, "All you talk about is boomers this and boomers that." Zed was struggling to hold back tears. Was it too much to ask for when all he wanted was a friend who wouldn't leave him?

Impulse blinked, looking to Tango, seemingly surprised at how out of the blue it seemed to him. Which just made Zedaph grunt with annoyance.

"Hello? Anyone gonna answer—"

"I will." Tango states. "Friend groups drift apart, Zedaph, we miss you too, but we.." Tango trailed off. Zedaph growls at this.

"You what? Are too busy frolicking around with Bdubs to talk to me FOR ONCE?" Zedaph boomed, his shoulders tensing, "I'm always the one breaking things up and doing EVERYTHING for us, is this how you repay me?"

Impulse put his hands on Zedaphs' shoulders, his eyes full of one emotion, remorse. "Zedaph, listen to me, please—"

"No! I've been listening to you all day! Rambling on and on about how good the Boomers are doing- not even thinking about asking if I had anything to say besides a 'I'm good'!" Zedaph huffed, tears streaming down his face as his blonde hair blocked his vision. Not that it mattered, the tears in his eyes already blurred his eyesight enough.

"Zedaph– could you just hear us out! One more time! I'm sorry we've been caught up with the Boomers so much this season but you don't understand-"

"Can you guys just please let me talk..." Tango cut Impulse off, tears flowing down his own face. "We were- trying to make something for you but um- couldn't exactly talk about our days without..l spoiling it...? So we thought that maybe if we hyped up the Boomers you wouldn't question it as much-"

Zedaph's eyes widened as he filtered out the rest of the conversation. They care for you, you idiot. They are your best friends and still show up to these dumb meetings, why wouldn't they? His thoughts provided.

"Do you want to see it? It's not finished but-"

"I'd love to!" Zedaph said.

And for the first time in a while, Zedaph smiled.

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