A plan to save/Raven and Mars learn a horrible weapon

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We near building until shadow the hedgehog, Rough the bat, and Silver the hedgehog ask to hide even told us about Mephlies death.

Chase:I can't believe one strike kill Mephlies but i don't understand he didn't do it first place thet met.

Shadow:Best guess want girls from equestrian see Mephlies die by a hedgehog look like Shane and myself.

Sonic:I can't believe Sally going out a hedgehog she never met before. I shouldn't try get Sally second chance.

Shane:I know you mean sonic ever since I stay with you all back mobius before we learn about Sally plans.

Angel:I ask why Ryan and Vext work together with this demon rat and Sally.

Rouge:Probably want revenge to Rairty and Raven starshine steat they boyfriends. (I glad Amy and shadow learn truth before they went to far.)

Silver see Raven starshine, Jabok, Rairty, Arsenio, Leo, and Mars hide. Angel can't believe we followed.

Angel(mad):(Why rest descendants, Rairty,and Leo follow us.)

Leo glad Angel put wall with sword around her neck.

Leo(mad):I want answers from you pussy kitten. Why I can't save my brother's.

Raven:Even a new demon hedgehog probably underworld.

Chase:New hedgehog we face not from underworld. Second Angel want you did.

Angel(scared):(God damm it) Look you found out why Raph, donnie, mikey not waking up even your friends helping. Remember Sally got new rings around her wrist.

Leo(mad):Yeah. Part your evil plans to destroy us.

Angel explains to Leo and chase. Chase explains he help to save his brother's from Angel weapon. Leo drop Angel to ground.

Leo(mad):Next time. I won't go easy to you pussy kitten

Angel:Maybe you will or won't  next time.

Chase:We need form plan save girls.

Shane: i got idea might help us a advantage. Sonic, Shadow, and Rouge with Arsenio help glad one rings from Sally. Jabok, Rairty, and Sunset shimmer save my sister and other's girls. Angel, Raven starshine with  Leo help stop vexy and Ryan. Chase,Mars and myself get slow down new hedgehog.

Raven starshine:I like plan but why we get Angel.

Shane:Because I trust you Raven and it was angel fault almost made you leave from us.

Jabok:Make senes and next time i see Ryan. I stop try make go back with her.

Sunset shimmer:Goid idea but after we save them and get that horrible weapon from Sally.

Mars:What us princess twilight, Starlight gimmer, and rainbow dash go back to Shane apartment.

Sonic:That could work and Chase go back with you and leo to save your brothers.

Chase:I like that plan and your name Mars.

Mars:Mars firestar.

Chase(smile):That cute name. (Wait minute. Did I call mars.

Mars(blush):Thank and chase is cute name.

Chase blush before we separated but we didn't vexy and Rayan got your powers thanks shawn the demon hedgehog.

Your my everything. (Sad shanelight story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz