Chapter Twelve - New Love

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I left the palace and ran towards the enchanted lake. I saw three people waiting there. I hugged Des first then Asher and finally Garrison. 

"Thank you both for the help" I smiled. "Of course, it's the least we can do after you helped him ask me out" spoke Desyiree. "So you two are finally a thing?" I said excitedly. She nodded and he kissed her cheek. "So tell me all about it" I said excitedly. "I will tell you all about it when you come to Aunt E's tonight for our sleepover" "see you then" I smiled. I watched them both leave.

"Well Princess Savannah, why don't we go this way" he said motioning to the pavilion. I saw a picnic set up "Garrison, I-" "just come this way" he said taking my hands and pulling me with him. We ran down to the pavilion and sat on the picnic blanket.

"You know my" "your parents had their first date here" "yeah, how did you know?" "I told you I love the love story of your parents. Sure it started off with magic, but they're meant for each other. Like true love's kiss proved that" "just like it did for us" "yeah, and good job on faking it seem like you hated me the other day" "Hey I can act until I'm queen" I laughed before looking out into the Enchanted Lake.

"At least it's only two months princess" he spoke lifting my chin. "Only two months, we can do this" I said placing my hand on top of his. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I smiled. "I know you're scared and trust me I am too after all our families do have a rough history" "at least we each have one of our four grandparents not involved" I laughed. He nodded. 

We sat and talked at the lake for quite some time. I noticed the sun was starting to set. We probably need to head back I thought. "Hey, we probably should-" Garrison started to say as a branch cracked. I looked at him and then the surrounding area. I snapped my fingers and made the picnic disappear. "Quick let's move to behind the rocks" he nodded and we moved quietly. 

We got down and saw a carriage. As princess of Auradon, I have seen a lot of carriages but this crest was one I've never seen before. The carriage was black and the crest was pink and green with a shrimp.

"Do you know that crest?" I whispered to Garrison. "No, do you?" he responded. I shook my head no "never in my life" "are there any lands beyond Auradon and the Isle?" he asked nervously. "Not that I've ever been told of. All I know is the eighteen states that make up Auradon" I said observing the carriage go by. 

"Well I guess we'll find out soon" Garrison said squeezing my hand as there was a howl. "Wolves" I said nervously. "Too bad your grandfather isn't around to fend them off, so let's go" he spoke grabbing my hand. I nodded and we started running. 

We headed straight for the clearing. We saw the waters below us and the forest behind us. "Sav, what do we do?" I looked around for some sign of which waters were below. Some of the waters were completely impossible to swim in Auradon, others were swimmable. I looked and could make out Neverland. "We can't swim, this is Hook's Bay below us" "How did we get so far away from Auradon Prep?" "I don't know" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. "Savannah, breathe" he said cupping my face in his hands. I nodded and tried to slow down my breathing. 

I heard another branch snap. "Whatever or whoever is near" he said nervously. "Then trust me and hold my hand" he nodded and took it. I concentrated harder and used my magic to get us out of there. I focused on my Aunt's castle until we transported there.

When I opened my eyes, I felt so relieved. "same here Garrison" I said looking out into the forest. All I wanted to know was there some place beyond Auradon? and if so who are they?

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