Chapter Sixteen - True Love Tricked

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 "You're right princess but this is between me and my grandson" the person spoke using their magic. Savannah collapsed to the ground and rushed to her aid. I kneeled down and looked up at her. "What did you do to her grandmother?" I yelled realizing who it was.

"Just a sleeping curse. She'll wake up darling, but I need to remind you of your options. I told your mother to marry a prince and she could have the world but she didn't. and you have the opportunity to marry a princess and have a whole kingdom at your disposal" "but she loves someone else" "yes, but that can be fixed with a simple spell. Savannah will only see you not anyone else" she smirked.

I looked down to Savannah and tucked her hair behind her ears. "How do I do it?" "I knew I could be proud of you" she smiled. I watched as she reached into her cloak. "Use this vial, add it to her drink and soon she'll forget about whoever else and soon it will be King Duke of Auradon ruling besides his gorgeous wife Queen Savannah Rose. You'll make sure grammy gets her own castle right?" "When this works, I will" I stood up to hug her "thank you" "Now, I will go and leave. She should wake up soon" I nodded and watched her leave.

I knelt back down next to Savannah and shook her gently. She started to stir. I helped her sit up and hugged her tightly. "Thank goodness you're alright" I spoke tucking her hair back. She smiled then looked around nervously. "Do you know who that was?" "it was my grandmother, but we're safe now" "thank you" she spoke hugging me tightly. "Of course princess, my job is to protect you. Now let's get home and not tell my mom about seeing my grandmother, okay?" she nodded.

Back at home

I went downstairs and made her hot chocolate with the potion. "Please work" I whispered. I then went back upstairs and handed one to her. "I am no Mrs. Potts, so hopefully I didn't mess this up" she laughed "either way you tried and unlike Charles you didn't set anything on fire so it should be drinkable" we both laughed.

I watched as she took a sip of hers. "How's it taste?" I asked. She smiled and looked at me. "perfect and sweet, just like you" she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back and leaned my head against hers. "Question?" "of course, princess" "Be my date to my coronation?" "gladly" I smirked before kissing her once more.

The next morning

I woke up early and saw that my parents, hers, Desyiree and Charles were all here. "Savannah and I were talking last night about a plan how to keep her safe and keep the two true loves secret. Most don't know about Garrison and her, so until it's safe. I'm going to be her pretend date for her coronation. It gets people off questioning her and I've always been around so it's not weird. We've even practiced some response just incase but I think only those inside this room should know the full story" I spoke.

"That's actually really smart and I agree. I don't even think Garrison should know the details, but Des just tell him there's a plan to protect Savannah's safety so he might here things that aren't fully true" spoke my mom. "On it Aunt E" she spoke leaving the room.

"Mom, dad" I heard her say excitedly as she walked down the steps. She ran over to hug them. "How was your time here last night?" "It was great, Duke and I talked about a lot of things especially related to my coronation and then we decided to just have fun and go to the Enchanted Lake to enjoy some last peaceful moments while I'm still a princess" "that sounds great sweetheart, I'm glad you had fun and even Duke filled us in. We will make the announcement as soon as we get back to the castle" "thank you" she smiled.

I saw Desyiree come back in. "Everything is good" she smiled. Savannah nodded. Thank goodness she was oblivious to what was happening. Now I just needed to keep Garrison away from her.

Later at the castle

I felt extremely guilty about this, but it was the only way to ensure my girl was mine. So if that makes me the bad guy, let it be. After all her mom, stole another girl's boyfriend so I will gladly continue tradition and steal another man's girlfriend.

"You ready?" I heard her voice say. I turned around and saw her in a pale blue wrap dress with a gold rose on the bow. "With you always" I smiled taking her hands in mine. "You two look so grown up" spoke Fairy Godmother walking in. "Thank you" she smiled.

"Duke, I'm so glad you are our sweet darling granddaughter's royal escort for Coronation" spoke Beast walking in with Belle. "Thank you, your majesties. I just feel so lucky someone as kind and sweet would choose me" I spoke. She smiled and laughed.

"Well it's officially time" spoke her dad. "C'mon Duke, let's go" she spoke pulling me. I laughed and followed her out behind her family.

We walked outside to a podium and a bunch of photographers and news reporters. Her dad and mom went up to it first. "Hello Auradon, my lovely wife and I have a special announcement to share. Our daughter, crown princess of Auradon, Savannah Rose has chosen her date to her coronation in two months. Princess Savannah Rose will be escorted by Duke, son of Doug and Evie" announced her father. The audience cheered. "Thank you that is all" smiled Mal as they stepped back.

The cameras turned towards us. I saw Garrison in the crowd. "Lovebirds over here" shouted the photographers. We posed and then I decided to dip her and kiss her. She laughed as the cameras flashed. "That's going to be everywhere" "let them have it princess" I smiled. She nodded "let's go" she spoke taking my hand. I nodded and followed her back inside.

I scanned the crowd and saw his face. He looked jealous that it couldn't be him on the announcement. Well Prince Garrison Roy of Auroria, get used to it. This is my time to shine and evil will reign once again.

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