Chapter Ten - Can We Work This Out?

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Over the next couple of days it seemed as if we were constantly running into one another. It was almost like someone was rubbing it in my face that we could never be together as long as our families still hated each other. 


It was the week of the big game which meant we were practicing out on the field all of this week. I occasionally made glances towards the tourney team. "Go talk to him" spoke Desyiree. "Des, you know I can't" I whispered under my breath. "I know but that doesn't mean you two can't change the future of your families" I nodded. 

"Okay, team let's get ready to stunt" yelled coach. She turned her head towards Des, Madz and I "you three ready to fly" I tightened my ponytail and nodded. "We're ready" we spoke in unison. We each got in front of our stunt group and prepped. 

"5, 6, 7, 8" I yelled. We jumped up into the base and coach took over. "1...3...5...7..." we went down and one by one we were tossed into the air. Madz and Des did the traditional kick kick spin. Where as I went up and twisted into a back tuck. We came down and coach clapped. 

Tourney Team

"You Garrison watch this" spoke Asher. I nodded and watched the three girls. My eyes though were fixated on one in particular. I watched the two on the outside then watched Savannah. She flew through the air flawlessly. It was so cool to watch.

"Aren't they amazing" "yeah they are" I responded in awe. "So you and Sav-" "never will happen. Our family history prevents that. What about you and Desyiree?" I said still focusing on Savannah. 

He laughed. "Savannah has actually been helping me plan a way to ask her to coronation. Des is literally the most amazing girl and she so strong and independent. Like wow, I should stop, shouldn't I?" he rambled. "No it shows you really love her, go for it. Coronation is only two months away now" "you're right, I should, but let's get back to practice" "yeah we should" I nodded. I placed my helmet on and we ran onto the field.

Cheer Team

"Perfect as always ladies, now do you want to try that one stunt again?" "Savannah?" asked Des. "let's do it, it's now or never" "that's my captain" coach smiled. Everyone prepped as Des and I stretched. I worked on pulling my heelstretch and then my scorpion. 

"Des, what do you feel more comfortable with?" "Scorpion, it's more centered" I nodded. We went up and kicked into it. I saw Des and she was closer to a needle so I pulled mine further and heard a bit of a pop. We came down and she looked at me.

"What was that popping sound?" she asked laughing. "I think me" I laughed in response. "Are you hurt though?" she asked. "Not that I can tell" I said twisting.

"Well I could hear that pop from down here" spoke coach coming over. "You could?" I hesitantly said. She nodded "I want you to sit down and stretch. The big game is Friday. I don't need one of my flyers out" "got it coach" I said walking over towards the bags to sit and stretch. 

As I sat down to stretch, I angle myself in a way that I could watch the tourney team. I looked past the team and saw something move in the forest. After the last couple of days, I was constantly on edge. The figure grew closer to the edge of the forest. I slowly picked myself off up the ground to get a better view. 

Instincts kicked in and I made a barrier. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at it. Something blasted it, and I noticed it was purple in color. That meant only one person and that person was Ursula. I kept my concentration for as long as I could. 

However, something was off. I felt weaker than I ever have. I collapsed to my knees. Garrison was the first to run over. "Savannah are you alright?" he asked kneeling next to me. "No" I looked up and saw my coach and team "can someone get my parents please?" I asked turning towards them. 

"Better idea, Garrison you take her back to the castle" spoke his coach. "Yes, and Desyiree and Asher go with" added in my coach. I nodded in pain. He scooped me up and held me tight. "I got your bag Sav" spoke Desyiree. I nodded.

The three of them kept the conversation going trying to distract my attention from the pain but it was getting to be too much. I leaned my head against his chest. "We're almost there Princess Savannah" he spoke. I nodded and winced in pain. 

"Asher and Desyiree, go ahead and get help. I'll be there but I think she's hurt more than we think" he spoke urgently. They nodded and tool off running. He slowed his pace a little bit "I'll walk slower so it hurts you less" "Garrison, I-" "Savannah, not now we need to get you help, and I-" "Garrison, but what if you can help me" I said looking up. He froze and looked down. "What do you mean?" "Can you set me down for a moment?" he nodded hesitantly.

I held his hands tightly for support. "What I mean is what if you are my true love's kiss?" "but what about" "we can figure that out late, but can we-" my words were cut off as he kissed me. I looked and saw a golden ray of light go out. "Garrison?" "I know Savannah, but how are you feeling?" "better but still weak" he nodded and scooped me back up. "Well let's keep moving, we'll tell them moving slower helped you feel better" I nodded. 

The rest of the way to the palace was a comfortable silence. I felt relieved knowing I did have a chance of happily ever after now, I just had to figure out how to make it happen. 

When we were near the palace, I could see my family outside. My grandfather and grandmother came running over. "I got her, thank you" he spoke picking me up. "Thank you, why don't you come in?" "It's no problem, and thank you" he spoke following. He came with us, Desyiree, Asher and I to the office where the rest of my family was. 

In the office

"Set down here Beast" I saw Garrison tense up realizing who he just met was. "Of course Hades" he responded. I felt weaker than I had before. Garrison kneeled next to my side. "Hey it will be alright, you're family is here to help you Princess Savannah" I nodded. I looked and could see my mother's reaction. She smiled slightly but she knew who he was. 

"Son, why don't you step back while I use my magic" spoke Hades. He nodded and quickly stood near my mothers side. "Let's try this" he spoke waving his ember around. The room shifted blue and the returned to normal. I sat up quickly. "Thank you gramps" "of course my sweet rose" he said kissing my forehead. 

I stood up and walked over to Garrison. "Thank you for your help" "Anytime your highness" I half smiled. 

"Yes, thank you for your help" spoke Beast. "Why don't you stay for dinner?" asked my grandmother. "Thank you for your kind offer your majesty, but I believe my grandfathers would send me back to the isle if I did that" he spoke looking at the ground.

"Son, who is are your grandparents?" asked Hades. "Savannah, I should go" "I think you should" I nodded. "Savannah Rose what do you know?" asked my other grandfather. I crossed my arms "let's just say both sets of our grandparents have tried to kill each other, and his mother almost destroyed the kingdom" I said winking so only he could see. 

"Well you're more civilized then your grandfather" spoke Beast. "Thank you sir, but I believe I should go" he turned to walk out and whispered to me "I'll find a way to talk to you later" I nodded as I watched him leave.

"Savannah" "yes grandfather?" I said looking at the door then him. "I never want to see that boy in the palace again as long as you are a princess, do you understand?" "I understand, now if you please excuse me, I want to rest. Today was way more eventful than I had planned" "of course darling, I'll bring you some food with Mrs. Potts in a bit" spoke my grandmother kissing my forehead. "Thank you" I smiled.

I walked back to my room. "Well guess it will just have to wait until I'm queen" I smirked closing my door. 

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