Chapter Twenty - These Things Will Change

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We were back at the palace and everyone was gathered in the main office. "I want to start touring the kingdom" I spoke. "Why now, you have plenty of time to do royal duties later. We want you to have fun and not put pressure on yourself or Garrison. We don't want you to make the same mistake we did" spoke my dad. I sighed and slid up my sleeve to reveal the guardian bracelet "I have 140 days to find the remaining seventeen gems and I don't know what's going to happen yet if I don't" I spoke calmly.

I saw the worried look my grandfather got as he looked to my grandmother. "All I know is I am half Auradon and half Isle but all I know is Auradon Central and I become queen in twenty-eight days. I can't lead a nation that I don't know, but also I know I'm crazy for what I'm about to say but I think we need to invite my other grandmother so that she doesn't give an unwanted gift for being not invited. I mean she still might, but I need to try. Part of my generation's job is to continue to rewrite history. I'll take Uncle Jay and Gramps as security because I am not risking Garrison or Desyiree or Charles, also Dad I'm not risking you either" I spoke firmly. "I'll go as well" spoke grandfather. I went over and hugged him tightly. "Thank you grandfather" "of course little one, you are showing time and time again that you got everyone's best traits but also you got everyone's headstrong and stubbornness" he smiled. We all laughed.

The next morning

I put on my isle attire and looked at my two grandfathers, uncle Jay, aunt Evie and mother. We all got on a motorcycle and drove across the bridge. We parked the bikes and took the keys. I saw her lair and I could feel the coldness already. however, I looked down at my bracelet and the pink gem already in it was glowing.

"Mom?" she turned and looked back at me. "the isle gem is near" spoke gramps. "We'll find it after" spoke Uncle Jay. I nodded and grabbed the invite.

We walked up the steps up into her lair. I saw her. "What an unpleasant surprise" she smirked. "I came to invite you to my coronation" I spoke holding out the invite. "Wait what?" "What, regardless you are my grandmother and I am Auradon's first born princess soon to be queen" "what's the catch?" "mess it up you'll be banished to the isle of the doomed" I spoke sternly. "Fair enough, but I do have to say you are doing things so differently than anyone who has come before you" "I am the perfect mix of Isle and Auradon, I may be the third to rule Auradon but I am the first to rule in a world without barriers between Auradon and Isle due to my parents. My goal is to make this kingdom safe for everyone" I said crossing my arms.

She nodded and looked to the others. "And I believe you will dear, but you should know what is brewing out of my control. Something that Duke was a part of. There are some that have a vendetta against myself, your grandfathers and your other grandmother. You are the only thing we have in common. Anything I've done to you prior to today was to learn some of what was going on but I still have not learned it all. I had to prove that having my granddaughter be the heir to the throne meant nothing, but I only untransformed from a lizard after I learned Mal had you. I finally had a reason to be better person" she spoke taking a gem out of a jar.

"And I see you have a guardian wish bracelet, I wouldn't wish that pressure on anyone, so let me help you by giving you the Isle one" I stepped forward and held out my wrist. It floated to the bracelet and shrank into the spot it was meant for.

"What do you know about these others?" asked Grandfather. "Jafar, Evil Queen and Cruella are mainly behind it. there's some other names I haven't even heard of. I think they're getting help from outside of our kingdom. There is so much you don't know that exists and I don't know what we need to protect you from if we've never heard of them" she spoke calmly.

"How do we know you're not bluffing" asked Aunt Evie. "She's not" my mom and grandfather said in unison. "I think the only way you can help us, is come up with a cover up. so it looks like you're still on their side but you're really giving us information" "what if you do a spell that just changes my appearance at coronation unless I break it by fulfilling the guardian's wish, so it looks more of a threat than it is" "That might actually work and seem believable" spoke grandfather.

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