Chapter Nineteen - Visions and Dresses

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We were officially four weeks away from coronation and three weeks away from my sixteenth birthday. It was officially the last month of the year and winter was right around the corner. I got ready for the day and headed down to the office. I saw my parents and Evie with a rack of clothes.

"Good morning" I smiled hugging each of them. "Good Morning princess" spoke my dad kissing my forehead. I smiled.

"Well, Mal and Ben I'll work with you later this week, but since the princess has woken up it's time for final fittings of some dresses and the first of others" Evie laughed ushering them out. I laughed.

"On this rack, I have everything for Auradon State travels, coronation, birthday, council meetings and everything in between" she smiled. "thank you, but how are you doing?" I asked. "Surprisingly alright my little rosebud. I think the moment I first learned of Duke's ways. I cried the most then because the son I knew died then. I think after pretending that we didn't know for so long, I fully processed it. The big thing is you are safe, Desyiree is safe and Charles is safe. In a weird way it feels parallel to your mom, Jay and I. We lost one and so did you three. If anything, I'm the one glad to take the loss this time around. I know Jane would not be able to handle losing both Carlos and Charles. I know with you, it would affect all of Auradon and Desyiree seems to be the glue that keeps everyone together, and I think you three would have distanced yourself if it was her" she spoke taking the first dress off the rack.

I stood there processing what she just said. "History is repeating itself but in a different way, that could either be a good or bad thing for coronation especially after the visions" I froze realizing what I said. "What visions Savannah?" "At my first fitting, the other dresses gave me these visions of these awful scenarios. That one didn't give me anything, but I wonder if like Grand Papi's vision it was blocked. I've learned so much about my powers since then and so much has changed" I spoke looking at her then my coronation dress.

"Let's keep the visions to just us but tell me everything" she spoke zipping up my dress. I nodded. I looked in the mirror at myself. There was no vision. "Still nothing, but do you have the other ones still?" I asked nervously. "I do, you want to see if anything has changed right?" I nodded. "I'll be right back" she spoke. I nodded and changed out of the dress.

I saw both the lavender and the navy dresses again. "Which one do you want to put on first?" "Navy, in the original vision Maleficent spelled me and told me good lucking saving your precious princess or should I say queen and then it ended" "let's do it" she spoke worriedly.

I put it on and she zipped it up. I looked in the mirror and got a vision again.

Princess Savannah Rose, do you accept to lead and protect Auradon as long as you reign" asked my father. "I accept" I said boldly. "Then I pronounce you queen of Auradon" he spoke placing the crown on my head. Then doors blasted open to reveal my grandmother. "Another party without an invite, but seeing as it is for my granddaughter, I can forget that. So here you go my dear child" she blasted me before any of us had a chance to react. At first nothing seemed to happen, but then I saw my magic leave me and float towards her. I collapsed to my knees. "What did you do?" my mother yelled rushing to my side. "Payback darling, good luck saving all of Auradon or your precious princess or should I say queen" she snickered before vanishing. I looked back to Fairy Godmother and then to Garrison in the crowd. "We will find a way to fix this" spoke my mother tucking my hair back. I looked back to him and he came running. "Are you alright?" he spoke kneeling in front of me. "I don't know" I said nervously. "Let me help you up" he spoke extending my hand. I took it and he pulled me up. I looked at him again. "Kiss me, I want to try something" "gladly" he smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. I watched as a bracelet appeared on my wrist. There were eighteen slots for gems but only one filled. "what's this?" I asked nervously. "A guardian's wish" spoke Fairy Godmother. "What's that?" "if you collect all eighteen regional gems, you are given one wish it can undone any spell or prevent something from happening in the future but like all magic there is a cost. One gem you cannot touch and you do not know exactly but it's said to be something opposite of you are. If you touch it, it can cost you your life" "got it" I sighed "but that won't stop me. Charles and Desyiree, you up for a challenge?" "always your majesty" smirked Charles. "And I will be coming too" spoke Garrison. I smiled"

The vision ended and I looked at Aunt Evie. "What happened?" "Same as before but I was given the opportunity to use a guardian's wish. What are guardian's and how do they give this wish?" she took a deep breath in and sighed. "The enchantress was a guardian" "so someone who cursed my grandfather? Why would they want to help me?" "because all the good you have done and will do. you help everyone before yourself, this wish would make you put yourself first. Besides there being a gem you can't touch there's usually a time limit associated with it" "and if I don't" "the spell becomes permanent or worse" "got it" I sighed.

"now let's try the lavender" I nodded and switched dresses. "The last time I put this one on, Garrison blocked a spell that was meant for me, I lost him and turned dark from the pain" I spoke as she zipped it up. "But also the last time you tried this on, no one knew about you two" "that's very true" I said taking a deep breath.

"Attention citizens of Auradon and the Isle of the lost. Today is an extremely important day in our history. Auradon will soon have it's first born queen reigning" boasted my grandfather. "Thank you Beast for that introduction but I will take it from here" spoke Fairy Godmother. I stepped towards the end of the altar. "Princess Savannah Rose, do you accept to protect and lead Auradon with plans to prosper this nation?" "I accept" "Well it looks like Auradon has it's queen, congratulations" she said tapping the wand on my shoulders before placing the crown on my head. The doors blasted open "Savannah watch out" I turned around and saw Garrison blocking a blast my grandmother. "Garrison" I yelled running to his side. "Savannah" he weakly spoke. "Hey look at me, I'm right here, I can heal you" "don't" "what?" "Savannah, you can't." I looked to my grandmother. "What did you do to him" I growled. "Only something that was meant for you dear. But it seems someone wants to be a knight in shining armor" I blasted her. "You will pay for this" I cried. "Oh darling it's not like you two could ever be, I mean I tried to kill his mother's parents and his grandfather tried to kill your grandfather. I was just making it easier for you" she cackled. I stood up and clenched my fists. The dress shifted from lavender to black. "I banish you to the isle of the doom where you shall never be heard from again" I spoke blasting her. She disappeared and the room went silent. I ran over to Garrison and cried as I hugged him. He sat up as much as he could. "Please Savannah, save yourself first" "but I need you" I spoke crying harder. "I love you, don't you forget it" he spoke kissing me. I pulled back and saw my dress now shifting to a golden color while his shifted darker. I was confused. "Rapunzel, Eugene" called my grandmother. I looked and both came running towards me. "What's going on?" "The sundrop and the moondrop have chosen you two next in order to save him. As long as you are in harmony everything will be alright, but if one overtakes the other it can cause the spikes to return and they are unbreakable. We went through a lot to end them" spoke Rapunzel. "What all did you do to end them?" "A lot, we even ran into some people we wish we would never have to see again, but even when times get tough communicate with each other. It's what kept us together as we grew" spoke Eugene. I looked at Garrison and nodded "I promise you both we will" "I know you will" she smiled right as the same bracelet appeared.

The vision ended and made the connection. "both had the guardian's bracelet appear and something happened to either Garrison or I started by maleficent because she wasn't invited" I spoke nervously. "What are you thinking?" she spoke. "I need to go to the Isle of the Lost. The barrier may be down, but I'm almost sixteen and I have yet to visit the Isle. I know they want to protect me especially with everything that's happened but I'm missing out on half of my family's history" "you are so headstrong like your father and mother" she laughed.

"Now I do have a question about clothes" "of course" I hopped off the stand and walked more into her design studio. I saw a pink short dress on the mannequin. I looked at this dress and the navy one. "Do you care if I do something?" "not at all" I used my magic and mad the purple one shorter but added a half skirt to the pink in the same style as the long purple and gave it long pink velvet gloves while the navy one was also altered to ashorter dress. I snapped again and all three appeared on the mannequin while I made a short gold dress for myself with hints of blue, yellow, purple, green and pink in sparkles on the ruffled skirt. "I love all of them" "thank you, I learned from the best" I smiled.

"Now let's get you back and talk about a plan for you to visit all of Auradon's states so we can find the guardian gems" she spoke just as the small thing guardian's bracelet appeared. "Which I guess is starting now" I flipped it round and saw a number on the inside. "We have 140 days which is 20 weeks and that would be cotillion in the spring" I sighed. "What is it with your family and big events having issues" we both laughed. 

The First Born Queen - A Descendants SpinoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora