Chapter Fifteen - Twice the True Love

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"Savannah" I yelled rushing to her side. I saw her parents rush over to us. "come on wake up, sweetheart" spoke her mom touching her cheek. I held her in my arms. I looked back to Desyiree and Charles. They looked nervous. I scanned around to see if there was anything around.

"She had to been spelled or something" spoke my mom. I looked at my friends and then to Savannah. "C'mon please wake up" I spoke brushing her hair out of her face.

"You love her don't you?" questioned my mom realizing it now. "I always have, but she doesn't see me that way" I sighed looking down to her. "Just try" spoke her mom. "What?" "Duke, you have to try" spoke Charles. I nodded.

I leaned down to kiss her and I saw a wave of magic go out. I sat back and watched her eyelids flutter open. "oh this just got complicated" spoke Desyiree. "I know" I said looking back to her then Savannah. I helped her sit up.

She looked at me then around the room. "What happened?" "you fainted pumpkin, we think you somehow got spelled but Duke woke you up" spoke her dad King Ben. She looked at him in confusion. "How?" she spoke. "True love's kiss sweetheart" "then I have two" she blurted.

"What did you say" he asked sternly. "Duke isn't the only one who's broken a spell on me with a kiss" she spoke looking down. "Who is it?" asked her mom. "As long as I am a princess, I will not reveal his name" she growled. I saw everyone tense up. "Princess Savannah Rose of Auradon, tell us who this boy is. We need to know who else can save you" her dad yelled.

She leaned back into me and held onto me for support. I held her tight and wrapped my arms around her. I put my head on top of hers and rubbed her back. I looked at my mom.

"I can't not now, I can't lose him" "we would never stop true love sweetheart" "you would, you both sided with my grandparents and not me. How can I trust you won't do something worse if I tell you" she spoke as tears streamed down her face.

I saw her mom cover her face. She had to realize. "I love him. That's who I love mom. Not Duke" she turned to me "but you being able to save me with true love's kiss complicates this" she said looking at me.

"Mal, you know who she loves?" "Ben, think about it? Who is the one person your father told her not to be with in the castle as long as she was a princess" spoke Mal calmly. "Audrey and Gil's son Garrison" he spoke putting his hand on his beard.

I felt Savannah nod. "Please don't tell grandad, please" she begged. "We won't pumpkin, I just want you happy and safe" spoke her mom rubbing her back. "But how is it possible to have two true loves?" she asked.

"True love is just a friendship that caught on fire. Your friendship goes deep. Duke protects you the most out of us four. He was the first to your aid" spoke Desyiree. "that's just not fair to you though if I love someone else, or at least I think I do" she said confused. That slight bit of confusion made me happy but I knew the truth. "You might love me, but I've seen how you look at Garrison and it's the same way both him and I look at you. You've never looked at me that way. No matter how much I've hoped for it" I spoke tucking her hair behind her ears.

She hugged me tight and I hugged her back. "I will always love you Savannah Rose, nothing will change that. but right now the biggest priority is your safety" I spoke rubbing her back. I felt her nod.

I watched her as she pulled back to look at her parents. "So the two true loves" she stated with uncertainty. "We're going to research that but for now and for your safety, Garrison's and Duke's, no one outside of this room can know" spoke her mother. She nodded. "We'll do research but princess, I think you're safer here for the night" spoke her dad. She got up and hugged them both. "Love you both" she smiled. "we love you too princess" he spoke kissing her forehead.

Later that night

I sat in my bedroom at my desk, doing my own research. I heard a knock at my door. "It's open" I spoke. It opened and it was her. "Hi Savannah" I smiled. "hey, can we talk?" she spoke softly. "Of course" she nodded and came in. I saw her shut the door behind her.

She walked over and sat on the bed. I moved and sat next to her. "what's wrong princess?" she laughed. "oh that got a laugh out of you" I spoke pulling her into a hug. She laughed harder then stopped. "When did you know?" "Know what?" "When you loved me?" she spoke softly.

"you remember that time when we were about 8 and 9 and we decided to freak out the royal guards by running off to the enchanted lake but we had your gramps in on it" I laughed. "I remember that everyone was so freaked out and gramps was so chill but he purposely avoided the guards and was like I knew but no one asked me" she laughed. "So it was that day when it was just you and I running through the forest and then swimming in the enchanted lake" I smiled. "It made me think of all the stories we heard about your parent's love story and how it started there and for sometime, I thought it's where ours would begin" I rambled. She smiled "honestly that day is one of my favorite memories we have, it was before I even really knew what being princess of all of Auradon meant. Things were a lot simpler then" she laughed. "I know exactly what you mean, there's a lot of pressure to stay at the top of my class and do well on the fencing team, I feel like our parents set such a huge precedent" "the biggest, sometimes the pressure gets too much and I wish we could just have a bit more time" she spoke looking down.

I stood up and held out my hand. "What are you doing?" she laughed. "You got two months until your queen, let's make the most of it princess" she nodded and took it. "Let's do it" she smiled getting up. We ran down the stairs past the kitchen. "We'll be back later, bye mom love you" "bye" Savannah yelled. "be safe you two" she called back laughing.

We ran all the way down to the enchanted lake. "Hold on" she spoke snapping. Our clothes changed to swimsuits. "Now hold on tight" I said scooping her up. She squealed as we jumped in. We went under than swam to the surface. We were both laughing.

We just started talking as we were swimming until the moon was up in the sky. "We've been here so long" Savannah laughed. "At least no guards tearing apart the kingdom for us" I said splashing her. She squealed and splashed back.

We were quietly swimming over to the ruins when we heard a branch snap. "Quick duck down" she whispered. We both went as low as we could behind the flat area. I saw some people walk by.

"Did you two get what I asked?" someone spoke. "Of course, my queen" spoke one of the others. "I hate to go behind her back, but I cannot have my grandson get hurt as he starts Auradon Prep. We need to make sure he stays away from that princess. She's trouble. She may be the Princess of Auradon, but she is still the granddaughter of the person who robbed me of growing up with my parents. And she has magic like her family. It's only time before she turns after all her mom almost did" "But she is nothing like Maleficent, if anything she's just Belle with magic" "don't mention that name around me, now let's go and make sure Garrison never falls in love with that girl" "how do you plan on it?" "I have my ways and if needed I know a permanent solution" a carriage arrived and they stepped in.

We watched as they left. Savannah pulled herself out and shifted her outfit and sat there. I got out and she did the same for me.

"I can't be with him" she spoke hyperventilating. "Shhhh look at me, it will be fine" "you heard her Sleeping Beauty wants me dead if I fall in love with Garrison" she said panicking. "I won't let that happen to you" I spoke hugging her tight. "I know you won't Duke, which is why I need to ask you something" "No Savannah, you are not giving up that easily on love" "but I have a safer option and you love me" "but you love him" "but maybe the grandparents on both sides are right and we should just not even try because our families have tried to kill each other and they're still trying Duke. I can change that and I-" "you'll change it by showing how much you two love each other, and fighting for each other" I spoke tucking her hair behind her ear. "And what if it's not enough" she asked nervously.

"Then you know where to find me, because as long as my heart is beating, you are the only girl I will ever love" I spoke as I leaned in to kiss her. She pulled back as silver glow went out. "I thought it was suppose to be golden?" I asked her. "I did too" she spoke confused.

"Savannah?" a voice spoke. We both turned and looked. "Garrison what are you doing here?" she spoke getting up. She made a step forward then froze. "You're not him" she gasped.

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