Chapter Eight - Falling For Ya

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The next morning, I woke up to Desyiree and Duke on the couches while Charles was on the floor. I laughed quietly as I made my way to the closet to get ready. I grabbed my pink turtleneck and pink and white cheer skirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail before adding the bow. We had practice today and since we were going to be practicing on the fields we had to wear an alternative uniform. Can be any color of choice but enough to get what it will feel like performing in a real one.

I sighed before walking back out. I saw the time and the three were still asleep, so I opened up my curtains and laughed as Desyiree threw a pillow in my direction. I laughed and threw it back. She rolled her eyes and got up. "You can borrow something from my wardrobe so we're not late" I said putting on my captain's jacket and lacing up my sneakers. 

She nodded and went into my closet. I walked over to Duke and Charles, I'll use my magic to transport you both back to your room. They each gave me a sleepy thumbs up as I did. I laughed. 

"Where did the boys go?" she asked coming out in the baby blue version of my outfit. "I transported them back, you ready?" "Yes, I'll actually meet you there. I have fencing right after cheer so I need my duffle bag for that" I nodded. "I'll see you there then" I said grabbing my bag as she walked out. 

I sighed and looked down the hallway. To the right was the office and to the left was school. I nodded "I need to make things right" I whispered. I walked down the hallway and into the office. I opened the door and saw the five of them.

"Savannah" my dad spoke coming over to hug me. I hugged him tightly. "We're sorry princess. We never meant to push you into something you didn't want" "and I'm sorry for running off." "It's a natural thing around here" laughed my mom and grandmother. I hugged them both then my grandfathers. 

"Now, we'll talk more about this vision later when Zeus is here, but go to practice" spoke Hades he said kissing my forehead. "Will do gramps" I turned and looked at everyone else. "I'll be back later" I said running out of the office down to practice.

On the way there I saw the tourney team. "Savannah" someone called. I looked and saw Asher. "Hey Asher, what's up?" "Question, what's Desyiree's favorite flowers and color?" "Light blue and white roses, anything else?" "No that's it" "Okay let me know after all she is my best friend" "I know and thank you" he laughed. "Of course" I smiled before turning away.

I walked out to the field and saw the rest of the group. "There's our captain" smiled Madison. "Hey Madz" I laughed putting my stuff down. "What's the plan for today?" she asked. I looked around and saw Desyiree coming. I waited for her to get here.

"Okay here's the plan. We stretch until coach gets here then run basic tumbling passes and our typical stunts then we will end with the new one" "why end with the new?" asked one of the bases. "Confidence. We start with what we know and can hit then by the time we try out the new one on the grass for the first time we are ready" they all nodded. 

Madz lead stretches.  She was a year younger than both Desyiree and I which means once we graduate she'll take over as captain. Although I am captain, Desyiree does fill in for me when I have royal priorities. Oh the problems of being a princess, and not just any princess... the princess of our entire country.

Coach showed up about twenty minutes in and we went straight into tumbling. After we felt solid in tumbling we moved on basic stunts. We did scorpions, heel stretches and helicopters. 

"You girls ready to do this?" Coach asked Des and I. "I'm ready Des are you?" "just let me do two more things first" we both nodded. I watched her do a perfect helicopter and then a heel stretch where she tossed down rather then twisting out of it. 

"Hey Sav, I'm ready to go now. Are you still ready to go?" "Yeah totally Des, let's get this show on the road" I said walking over to my stunt. I adjusted my ponytail and gave her the nod. "5, 6, 7, 8" she called. I may be captain but Des was way better at counting loudly for everyone to hear.

We prepped and went up. I could see the tourney team practicing from here. "Let's do this squad" I called as we prepped to fly. I felt a little wobbly, but that could just be stunting on grass for the first time this season instead of the mat. 

However, it went downhill really fast when the tourney ball came our way. I tried to dodge it but end up falling. Oddly though, I did not fall to the ground or even in my teammate's arms. I fell into someone else's.

"Hey are you okay?" a boy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes asked me. "yeah, you saved me, thank you" I said. "No problem" he smiled setting me down. I brushed my cheer skirt. "How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "I'm known for my speed and I saw the ball coming this way and something in me just said get over there now" "well thank you again" I smiled. "Of course, now I got to go. Now don't try falling for me again" he laughed before running off. 

I laughed and turned back to my team. "Savannah are you alright?" "I'm fine thanks to however that was" I said looking back over my shoulder. 

After practice

"Do you know who that guy was?" I asked Desyiree. "No, I don't, and I don't think Duke or Charles will know since they're not on the tourney team" "yeah" I sighed. "But" "But?" "you're the princess of Auradon, he has to know who you are, I'm sure prince charming will find you" she teased. "But what if he doesn't?" I said clenching the straps of my bags. "you'll figure it out, anyways I got to go to fencing and you know keep up my parents' legacy" she said running off. "Yup I know exactly what you mean" Isaid looking down at the ground.

I sighed before turning to walk to the castle. The truth was with being the first born queen, there was a lot of pressure from the Auradon Council to find and eligible bachelor to be the future king. Especially after what I told my parents yesterday, this would be fun...

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