Chapter Seven - Not A Perfect Princess

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"So let's start looking and bring in all the eligible bachelors" spoke my grandfather Beast. 

"Yes we can send out invitations for a ball and you can meet them all" added in my grandmother. 

"Yes, we can get on that now" my dad spoke turning to my mother. My mother nodded.

I looked to my other grandfather "they're right little one, it's a good idea" he spoke solemnly.

I shook my head and turned towards my friends. "Savannah, think about it this way it would be just another celebration for you but might save Auradon" spoke Charles. "I agree with Charles" spoke Duke.

"Des?" I said with my voice cracking. "Savannah, you are my best friend, you know that, but" "you're siding with them?" I yelled through the tears streaming down my face. "Sav" she said reaching out. 

"No, no to all of you." "Savannah Rose" my dad yelled. "What? Am I not enough of a pretty pink princess that you want me to be? Because good, I'm part Auradon and part Isle. Also while you're at planning my whole life why don't you just be trove me to someone else." 

"Savannah darling" my grandmother spoke softly. "Out of everyone I thought you and my mother would have disagreed. True love doesn't happen at a ball, only deception of someone's life through a bippidi boppidi boo does. True love is growing to love someone whether they're a beast or you're the monster yourself" I looked them both up and down and shook my head. 

"Savann-" my father spoke. "This conversation is over" I spoke turning around before walking towards the palace. 

Once I knew I was faraway enough from them, I took off running. I ran straight up the steps to my bedroom. I threw myself on my bed and cried. I'll admit that was the most princess thing I could have ever done, but it felt right. I cried myself right to sleep.

Meanwhile in the courtyard

"We messed up bigtime" spoke Hades. "We did dad" spoke Mal. Everyone nodded.

"Then what can we do to make it up to her?" asked Belle. "Leave that to us three" spoke Charles. 

"Yeah, she may be mad at us temporarily but we're her best friends,  but in the mean time I would maybe talk to Zeus see if he knows anything" spoke Duke. "On it" spoke Hades grudgingly.

"Good luck you three" spoke Mal. "Thanks Aunt M" smiled Charles. "Of course" she said waving as the three of us walked towards the castle.

"How mad do you think she'll be at us?" Des hesitantly asked. Duke nodded "she will but knowing Savannah, she's not mad at us for agreeing with them. She's mad at us for not seeing her point of view.  We're all older than her, she's the youngest of us four and we all want to protect her as our friend and as the princess of Auradon" "Duke how are you so well spoken" "Well Desyiree I am the oldest" he chuckled. The three of them laughed as they stepped foot into the castle. 

"Des lead the way" spoke Charles. She nodded and did just that. The group of three walked up the grand staircase to the west wing. Most people didn't even dare venturing down this side of the castle as it was meant for the royal family and only them. However, this new group of Royals and Rotten Apples seemed to know no limitations.

"Barge in or knock?" asked Charles as he was the first to step up to the door. "Knock" spoke Des as she did just that "Savannah, open up we want to talk" there was no response "and apologize" she added in. 

The door opened slowly. "Come in" she spoke not meeting their gaze. She shut and locked the door behind the three. "They're not coming are they?" she asked nervously looking at the door. 

"No they're not Sav" spoke Des grabbing Savannah's hands. She nodded and half smiled "good, I'm not ready to see them just yet" "and that's perfectly okay" added in Duke placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"And we came here to apologize and try to understand you better" spoke Charles. She smiled and hugged him tight "thank you all." "That's what friend are for" spoke Duke as he and Des joined in on the hug. 

"Why don't we sit over on the couches" spoke Savannah softly. The others nodded and they sat down. She took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry" Savannah said looking down at the floor. "What for?" asked Desyiree. "Running off and yelling at the three of you. You three are my best friends."

"Don't be Savannah" spoke Duke taking her hands. "Yeah we all messed up. We didn't listen to you at all" spoke Desyiree. "Yeah we were the ones who were bad friends" added in Charles. "Let's just forget it okay?" she said laughing through the tears. "Deal only if you tell us why you ran off?" he responded.

She nodded before speaking. "I'm scared" Savannah spoke solemnly as the tears ran down her cheek. "And why is that? your grandmother or the fate of Auradon?" "Neither of those Duke" "Not finding a prince charming? because there are plenty of them that you haven't met yet" teased Des. "Not that either Des." "Then tell us" Charles said sternly. 

"I'm scared I'm going to let my family down with whoever I end up falling in love with. They have these great love stories about either choosing to love the monster and it turned out to be a prince or realizing that you're the monster and being okay with not being a perfect princess and that doesn't matter. I'm afraid of breaking the reputation I have to live up to" Savannah responded through the tears now pouring down her face.

Duke pulled her in tight to a hug as she sobbed into his chest. "You could never let them down Savannah, they love you so much. We love you, Auradon loves you." "Are you sure?" "We're so sure Savannah, they're just protective of you, after all" he smiled pushing her hair back "You are Princess Savannah Rose of Auradon, daughter of King Benjamin and Queen Mal, granddaughter of King Beast, Queen Belle, Maleficent and Hades, heir to the throne and the first born queen." 

"You may be our best friend Sav and those six are your family, but it's you life. No one can what you can and can't do. There's never been anyone like you. You're unpredictable. This is your life, go chase your dreams" "Duke how are you so smart and always know what to say?" she laughed. "My parents were the smart ones of the group" he teased. "I beg to differ my dad 3d printed a wand to help get someone's dad off the island" added in Charles. "Okay but who's acting actually got him off the isle" Savannah added in. "Okay but who got him there in the first place"  Duke said getting in her face. "all three of your parents for telling my dad where my mom went, so guess who has the smart parents" Savannah said crossing her arms "bam what."

The four sat there and laughed for the rest of the night.

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