Chapter Two - A Curse is Coming

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A month had passed since my first encounter with my magic. I was getting some training from my mother, grandfather and Fairy Godmother but it almost seemed as though my magic fizzled out. Nothing dramatic has happened. 

The three of them believe that it's just rusty since I'm almost sixteen and until now I've never used it. I however have another theory that I truly don't have a lot of magic and what I can do is very minimal.Luckily though Queen Elsa and Queen Anna were coming into town from Winter's Keep. 

I put on a pale blue dress with gold roses embroidered on it. I placed my tiara on and headed down tothe office. I saw my family there already. "Good morning" I smiled. "Good morning princess" mygrandfather beast spoke.I was about to say something when the doors opened. I jumped a little. 

"Sorry Princess Savannah, we didn't mean to scare you" spoke Olaf walking in. I laughed "Have you found any Samanthas yet?" I said kneeling to his height. "No not yet, I think I'll go look. C'mon Sven" he yelled. I giggled. 

"Queen Elsa and Queen Anna, it's an honor to meet you two" "Please call us Elsa and Anna" spoke Elsa taking my hands "and trust us it's an honor to meet you all grown up, we haven't seen you since your christening ceremony" I smiled. "Thank you for coming here to help us figure out what my powers are""of course, we're glad to help" she smiled. 

"Now let's see if we can get some help" laughed Kristoff. "Oh Grand Papi" there was a sound of thunder.The trolls arrived. I plopped down to my knees to be on eye level. "Hello Princess Savannah Rose" "Hello Grand Papi" I smiled. "Take my hand child" I extended my left hand. He held it between his. 

He opened them abruptly. "Oh dear princess" "is it bad?" "it's her grandmother, she wants to jeopardize Auradon's future. The worst part is she must have known you would come to us for answers, there's parts I can see clearly but others that are blocked." 

I looked back to my family and my parents look terrified. "Can you tell me what you do see? If possible""Your magic is stronger than anyone's I've ever seen. It's only going to take a moment of instincts kicking in to activate it, until then you can only do elementary magic. Also something happens when everyone is dressed in suits, crowns, ballgowns and tiaras. Tears will be shed. That's all I could see""thank you." "of course Savannah." 

"I have a feeling my mother is going to attack on your coronation day" growled my mom. I nodded."Then I know what I want my first proclamation to be" I spoke standing up. "You do darling?" asked my grandmother Belle. 

I walked over and took her hands "yes, grandmother I do" I paused and looked at everyone. "You and grandfather created Auradon and the Isle of the Lost. Two lands separated for twenty years. then twenty years ago, my mom and dad took that barrier down to reunite the two lands. However, there are still villains who want to curse and harm" I took a deep breath. "Which is why, I want to implement if someone gets three strikes Auradon or Isle born, they will be sent to the Isle of the Doom where they will stay and not hurt anyone ever again. I have to think about all the people to protect. For all I know my grandmother could still very much want revenge on Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip. That puts their whole family in danger. Something has to be done." 

"Spoken like a true queen, you're putting the safety of everyone first" spoke Anna. I smiled "and you're giving second and even third chances. Your grandmother gave your grandfather a second chance, Anna  and Arendelle gave me a second chance. People earn a second even third chance, but some won't change. Auradon will be lucky to have you as queen. "thank you Elsa" "of course Savannah" she spoke touching my cheek. I smiled. 

I then looked to my family. "You're on your way to being a great queen" spoke my grandmother taking my hands. "I've learned from the best" I smiled looking to her than my mom. "Aww baby" she said coming over to hug me. I laughed. 

I looked to my dad and grandfathers. "I think that's exactly what Auradon and the Isle need. Both need protection from people like your grandmother" spoke Hades. "thanks gramps" I said hugging him. My dad looked at my other grandfather. "It seems as someone has taken the best intentions and the flaws from both of our plans" my dad laughed. 

"She's brains and beauty" spoke Anna. I smiled. "Clearly she is almost identical to her grandmother"teased my grandfather Beast. I laughed. "Just try not to fall for a monster who also happens to be a prince" she laughed. everyone did too. 

"Well speaking of princes, I need to know is my darling granddaughter in love with anyone yet" Hades asked making his ember glow. "Gramps it's only been a month since the last time everyone asked, who falls that fast" "Anna" blurted out Elsa. "Oh c'mon Elsa, it was one time" she yelled back. "Yeah thank goodness" spoke Kristoff. I smiled. 

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