Chapter Seventeen - Deception

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We had just made the announcement and while I was happy, something didn't feel right. I just shook it off to nerves surrounding my coronation in two months. I knew the day would be here faster than I can imagine. I sighed and started my journey to my locker before my classes for the day.

As I was walking, I heard someone call my name.

"Savannah, wait up" I turned and saw someone who felt familiar but I didn't know their name. "Hi, what's up?" I asked. "I just wanted to see how you were doing with everything. I could only imagine how stressful it's been for you and nerve wracking with the villain attacks" he whispered. I nodded. Clearly I knew him but why couldn't I remember him I wondered.

"Yeah, it has been. I honestly sometimes feel like I'm in this weird haze and there's just this feeling I can't shake" I spoke holding my books tighter. He smiled. "Well, no matter what happens you have my support, I'll always be here for you" he spoke. I looked into his eyes and something in me was telling me something was familiar about it. I looked around "meet me at the enchanted lake after practice?" "gladly princess" he smiled before turning away.

I continued walking and at my locker, I saw Desyiree and Charles but no Duke. "Where's Duke?" I asked. "Royal fitting with his mom since he needs to look the part for the plan" she said winking.

I heard her say that and I knew something was off. I was about to figure out why.

"You alright?" she asked looking at me with concern. "Just the stress of coronation. I think after practice, I'm going to go for a run. That usually clears my head" "Just be safe okay?" spoke Charles. "I will just don't tell Duke, okay? you know he worries too much" "ain't that the truth" laughed Desyiree.

Later that day

After Cheer practice, I rushed to my room to change into my running outfit. It was a navy quarter zip up with matching leggings and I put a yellow bow in my hair to match my sports bra. I tightened my sneakers and ran out of my room as fast as possible.

In the hallway, I ran into my parents. "Everything alright dear?" "just going to go for a run, I need to clear my head. I have this weird feeling, I just can't shake. I'll be back later. I have my phone with me" "just be safe dear" my mother spoke hugging me. "Will do, bye love you both" "love you too" they said in unison.

I ran down the palace steps and into the forest. I was running as fast as I could to get to the enchanted lake. I saw him waiting there already.

"Thank you, for meeting me" I smiled. "anytime" he spoke taking my hands in his. I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. A wave of golden magic went out. As it did the feeling left. I smiled and leaned my head against his. I knew in that moment, I had been spelled. I'm not sure for what, but I know Duke and I had an encounter with the evil queen last night. I'm guessing she did something.

"You know with this plan of Duke being your fake escort for your coronation and watching him kiss you up there made me extremely jealous" he spoke. "I don't like it either Garrison. You're the one I'd rather be with publicly. It's just with all the threats and our families hating each other, like our grandparents have tried to kill each other on both sides and I know your family resents mine especially because of maleficent taking away your grandmother's childhood in the castle and then my mom taking my dad away from your mom and I just worried" I said frantically.

"Hey, look at me" he spoke putting his hand under my chin. I nodded. "I don't care about the past. It's in the past. Our families may have hated each other, but we can change that. We can show them how much love we have for one another. We will change their minds, after your queen just like you said. So you fake being in love with Duke for two months, and then after that it's us" he spoke. I nodded "I just don't know if I can fake it for two months" I said looking back down. "Then what do you want to do about that?" "I will figure that out, but you'll know when I know" I smiled before kissing him again.

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