Chapter 18- Chose

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I sat on the floor with a crying Eli in my arms. I looked at the 3 cuts on his arm, my anger grew.
"Baby im sorry" I cried but I tried to be strong.
"Mom its okay, I promise I won't them hurt my sister" said Eli trying his best to look strong.

Jack told Eli exactly why he was facing 3 cuts on his arm. He told him that we follow traditions in this family, has soon has jack to him the baby would die if it was a girl Eli lashed out. Xavier and Asher held me the hold time and wouldn't let me save my son.

At the end of the punishment we were both locked in the basement for a while.

"Eli you know we have to escape" I said quietly to eli, he nodded "I know mom they can't hurt our baby" he said.
It's time like these when I forget he is only 5. He is so smart and strong for his age.

I held on to Eli tight until an hour past the Xavier came and got us, I didn't look at him at all. I got Eli bandage up and tuck in bed, I wanted to crawl in bed with him but ash and Xavier came and got me.

I took a deep breath then made them both sit on the bed then I shut the door.
"You hurt our son" I said firmly looking at them both with disgust.
"Bella, we had to jack would of done worse and you needed to learn your place bella."explained Xavier I gave him a stern look and put my hands on my hips.
"Uh oh.. Bella don't say anything you'll regret" said Asher when he saw my posture.

"My place.... My place... Xavier! I am being held here against my will, forced to marry 2 men, I cook clean and take care of this family. I have listen to every stupid rule or tradition you have threw at me including being a cannibal. And you want me to learn my place and be some push over housewife that spread her leg for you when you please. I don't think so xavier" I ranted stepping close to Xavier.
"My place will always be to protect my children. You promised me that you would protect our son and you broke that promise" I said staring into Xavier angry eyes, he stood and grabbed me by the arm harshly forcing me to be face to face.

"If Asher and I didnt let jack hurt Eli, he would of killed him to teach you a lesson. Is that what you want bella your sister bastard child to die and you in chains whipped every day. That is what going to happen bella if you don't smarten up" Xavier spat in my face then pushed me roughly onto the floor.

"Our plan is to kill jack but with his brother Bill so living close, it causes problems. We are trying to figure how to kill jack with out having Bill on our tail. Once jack is gone we will be free to raise Eli and our other sons without the fear of jack taking you. Bella you need to trust us and obey us" Asher his bending down to my level on the floor.

"Even with Jack gone, you 2 are still here with Eli and I trapped." I sassed to Asher. Xavier growled then grabbed my hair pulling me up on my feet. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Asher said shaking his head. I held a scream as Xavier pulled me so his lips were to my ear and my scalp was burning.

"Fine Belle if you want it to be the hard way then so be it. You have 2 choices Belle. Number 1 you continue to fight us, we kill Eli and make you clean up the mess then serve him for Thanksgiving dinner. Or choice number 2 you help us kill jack, you live with us as we raise Eli and our other sons and we live happily ever after" said Xavier in spite.

"What about number 3 where I kill you, ash, mile and jack. Then burn this house to the ground" I said stupidity
"How would you take on 4 men Belle, eli can't help you and Tony is weak" said Xavier finally letting go of my hair.
"I cook your food" I say blunty
"She has a point" ash laughs sitting on the bed.

"Then what Belle. You are a wanted criminal, here is the only place you are safe. If you leave here they will throw you behind bars and Eli will be raise by your sister.yoy couldn't stay here Bill and the rest of the family would kill you" Xavier said then sat beside ash on the bed. He took off his shirt and pants before he sat. Ash copied his action but just took off his shirt.

My mind races at his words, I forgot that I am wanted. No matter what I do if I leave here I will be putting Eli right into Dina's hand.
"But if the baby is a girl" I asked quietly
"It won't be a girl belle. And if it is we will do what is best for the family" Xavier words were like a knife. I knew he meant to kill our baby if it's a girl. There is nothing I can do but pray at this point.

"So bella chose option 1 Eli for Thanksgiving dinner or option 2 happy ever after" Xavier said letting his eyes run down my body like a predator, asher lick his lips staring at me.

I swallow my anger and pride. I only have one choice. Tears cloud my vision as I lift my shirt then drop my pants. I take a naked step toward the bed. Ash smiles and scoots further on the bed.

Xavier smirk then grabs my hand pulling my naked body into him. "Good choice" he says before he pulls me down onto the bed to claim me once again.

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