Chapter 5- Really?

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Asher nickname is Ash. Xavier nickname is Xav.


I groaned as the alarm went off, I stretch to hit it but I touch warm flesh making me cry out and jump back bumping into another body. "easy there" the body said behind me then pulled me close.

Then all sudden everything came back to me. Murdering dean, on the run, saving miles and lastly being forced to have to husbands. I started breathing rabidly panicking. "shh! it okay belle your safe" said Xav his hot breathe hitting my neck. Being in his arm felt both wrong and safe.

Ash got back from the bathroom, I didn't even notice him getting out of bed. "alright you two get out of bed before dad freaks at us for being late. and we need to explain to Eli that your apart of our family now and your staying with us." I froze at the mention of Eli. what would he think of all this. Is he safe here?

"come on up we get, he isn't kidding when he is saying dad will freak" Xav groaned getting of the bed. Ash handed me some clothes that were from my bag a simple red shirt and jeans. I went to the bathroom getting dressed. When we were ready we made our way downstairs. I was excited to see Eli.

"Mama" Eli yelled when he seen me quickly giving me a hug. "How did you sleep baby?" I asked walking to the kitchen, Xav pulled out a chair and point for me to sit which I quickly did as I was told.Eli sat down beside me. "Fine mom. But miles woke me up earlier and helped me get dressed. the sun isn't even awake yet" pouted Eli. Making me giggle "That because we have work that needs to get done, life on a farm starts early but you will get used to it" said jack as he was helping Miles and Ash put food and dishes on the table.

"What does he mean mom? are we staying?" Eli looked at me excited. I froze at his words I felt warm hands grip my shoulders I looked to see it was Xav giving me a stern look. Ash moved and lifted up Eli then sat on the chair with Eli on his lap. I wanted to scream, I didn't like him touching my son, but I had no choice if I fought they punish me or Eli even possibly kill us.

"Yes little man your staying in fact your mother as something to tell you" said Ash to Eli making him looked back at me. "I.. Umm" I stubble to find the words which earned a hard pinch was Xav making me jump.

"Yes baby, This is our home now" I said which bought a awful taste to my mouth. "Your mother will be marry me and Ash. We will be your dads" said Xav him finally sitting down on the other side of me. Miles and jack sat in to spots beside us watching me closing, jack with a warning clear on his face. Eli looked confused at Asher and Xavier then back at me.

"There are 2 of you those. Mommies can only marry one dad right?" ask Eli. "In most cases yes your are right a women will only marry 1 man. But Asher and Xavier both love your mom and you very much and will protect you both. Your Mom loves them back that's why she will marry them both" jack chimed in I clench my fisted and bit my lip at the bullshit coming from his mouth.

"Really mom?" Eli ask concerned I faked a smile "Yes baby". Eli jumped up hugging Ash than ran around to Xav jumping on his hugging him, I can't lie by saying my heart didn't melt at the love in Asher and Xavier eyes as Eli hugged them "I get 2 dads that so cool, my friends at home only get one" Eli said happily. Maybe we are going to be okay I thought.... no I quickly shook my head. I cant think like that I need to get us out of here when I can.

"Mom, you can finally where grandma's dress" Eli said excited I cursed in my head. "What dress" Asked Ash I quickly said nothing but Eli ignored me. "Grandma wedding dress she wore to marry grandpa. Mom was little when they died but she kept the dress even brought it with us when we came here. Mommy dream is to get married in the dress and have someone love her like her dad loved her mom"

"Is that true?" ask Xav I swallowed hard and nodded "Yes I dreamt of getting married in my mothers dress but its not necessary now" I choke trying not to cry what would my parents think of me marry someone I don't love, not just one but two someone. "its not how we usually do things in the family but if that's what you want we can make it happen, right dad" asked Ash

"Yes it will be a good traditions to start for your own family, I will call your cousins, aunt and uncle up the road. we can decorate the barn and have a wedding for you 3. but belle needs to behaved and ready to meet the family traditionally wives don't meet other family for a couple months or more in some cases. You 3 will need to be married in a few days" Jack said. I blinked at his words no this cant be happening but wait he said call... that must mean they have a phone somewhere.

"She will be ready, eli as well right little man" asked Ash. Eli nodded I faked smiled. "alright we can talk more later lets eat before the food gets any colder." said miles finally breaking his silence, he seems unhappy and mad but the men ignore him. Eli went to the empty spot by miles, are plates were filled by Ash and xav. I looked at my plate eggs toast and some kind of meat. I looked to see Eli chowing down on the food seeming to enjoy whatever meat it was but I couldn't bring self to eat.

"Eat babe your too thin" said Ash. Making me look at him in shock for a sec by the nickname and him saying I'm to thin. "I'm not really hungry. I'll eat later" I said. I felt two hand from different sides of me go in my lap pinching help I yelped with tears coming to my eyes but tried to hide from Eli.
"He said to eat bella. Now it everything on your plate, you won't be leaving the table until the plate is empty" xav said harshly in my ear but quite so Eli did hear him. I nodded then picked up my fork eating the eggs.

Eli was finished before me he was exicited when jack said he could help miles feed then chickens. He pretty much finished his food in under a minute then gave me a kiss before yelling at miles to hurry up. Making everyone beside myself laugh at him. I reminded him not to be rude, he did a quick ya mom then out the door with miles. Jack followed after telling ash a and xav to stay inside with me today.

"Eat your meat bell" said ash when jack closed and lock the door. "No thank you I'm full" I said honestly I usually only have a muffin or a fruit in the morning not a huge meal. "I wasn't asking" he said looking at me with warning but honestly I'm not sure what I was thinking if it was because I didnt sleep, or stress or maybe the fact I was being forced to be married to to men but whatever it was caused me to push my plate away before saying

"I said I was fucking full" 5 words that cause all hell to break loose.

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